President's Day 2023
I'm not going to lie, I'm digging having a 3-day weekend, Monday off! I have a few years (7) until full retirement but seriously think I could handle going part-time 32-36 hours per week. Am I ready for full retirement? Hell No. II'd be bored silly. I'd end up getting a job anyways, so might as well stay where I'm at?
I didn't do a lot this weekend. Did a yoga class Saturday, cleaned, watched a movie. Sunday was a double workout day then met up with my best forever friend for some quality time. We haven't had that for a very very long time, and I missed that connection. To say our timing has sucked is an understatement but perhaps yesterday was the start of the tides changing.
Today I had my annual wellness visit. I'm basically a healthy person. Yes, I have the usual aging things...arthritic knee, shrinking body, expanding waistline, but overall I feel I'm doing good for 60.5 years old.
Tomorrow is back to work and it's my long short week....meaning 9 hr days but off at noon on Friday. I'm starting to do some indoor spring cleaning projects...organizing. I want things tidied up inside so once spring arrives in the northland I can be outside. I have, biking, patio, wine.