
Showing posts from February, 2023

Today's Thought

This picture pretty much sums it up for me.

President's Day 2023

I'm not going to lie, I'm digging having a 3-day weekend, Monday off! I have a few years (7) until full retirement but seriously think I could handle going part-time 32-36 hours per week. Am I ready for full retirement? Hell No. II'd be bored silly. I'd end up getting a job anyways, so might as well stay where I'm at? I didn't do a lot this weekend.  Did a yoga class Saturday,  cleaned, watched a movie.  Sunday was a double workout day then met up with my  best forever friend for some quality time.  We haven't had that for a very very long time, and I missed that connection. To say our timing has sucked is an understatement but perhaps yesterday was the start of the tides changing. Today I had my annual wellness visit.  I'm basically a healthy person.  Yes, I have the usual aging things...arthritic knee, shrinking body, expanding waistline, but overall I feel I'm doing good for 60.5 years old.    Tomorrow is back to work and it's my long sho...


Did I mention I hate being sick? Just a T is recovering from Covid, I come down with a nasty bug on Tuesday. Woke up in the middle of the night with multiple trips to the bathroom (I'll spare you the details), horrendous headache and bodyaches, and so soooo tired!. Quite honestly thought I was going to die. Of course, since T had Covid, I immediately tested. Nothing. I guess that's ok, but what I had were all the same symptoms he had. I've tested negative two days in a row now.  My workplace has a "2 day" rule...if you're sick more than 2 days, you need a doctor's note to return. Although I'm still experiencing gastrointestinal yucks, I guess I'll be going to work in the morning (with an extra pair of loones in my purse...just in case). For tonight, it's heating pad on my back, plenty of liquids, and Immodium (IYKYK).