
Showing posts from December, 2020

Interesting Weekend

Well this wasnt exactly how I wanted to spend my weekend.   I had a nasty episode involving 1)kidney stones 2) kidney infection and 3) sepsis.   Its the same thing than put me in the hosputal in May 2019 and it did again Friday.  So here I am, in my loungewear (that I wore to the ER), waiting for hubs to drive 100 miles to pick me up.   Am I feeling better?  Compared to Friday,  yes.  Well enough to go home?  Well yes..and no.  They just removed the catheter and I'm feeling some abdominal pain but it's tolerable.   My R flank hurts when I cough.  So, I guess...don't cough?  🙂 I will need to have the stint and stones removed in a few weeks.  At that time, they'll go in and get the one stone higher in the kidney so this doesn't happen a third time!   On top of that, coming off Covid quarantine.   Oh, the joys of getting older!  

A goodie from 2017

Lunchtime Musings of a Working Superwoman: 1) Patience, Tolerance and Understanding are three gifts we can - and should-give each other for the Holiday season 2) lack of sleep seems to be my theme this week 3) the Universe gave me a big ole sign this morning, now to have courage to act 4) no matter how much I think I'm in control of things, the Universe says otherwise 5) there is always room for improvement 6) if you think you're perfect, guess again 7) life isnt fair, never will be -do the best you can and worry about yourself and whats important to you.  8)sometimes, the joy in life truely IS in the small things 9) my lottery tickets didnt win last night 10) wishing friends and family (near and far) a splendid day!  Don't take any wooden nickels,  smile, schmooze if you need to, but always, always be Kind!

December - 2020

I've been missing in action since Thanksgiving.   Covid got me, unfortunately.  The prison has mandatory testing for staff and inmates every Monday.   I tested on Monday the 30th and received my results on Tuesday the 1st at about 8:30 pm - when my supervisor called me.   I actually argued with her when she told me; I was feeling absolutely zero symptoms.  Who knows where  I   even picked it up; I've been uber careful wearing PPE, washing hands, socially distancing.  Guess it doesn't matter now, does it.   I started my 10 day quarantine and was feeling great - until Wednesday evening. Holy smokes!    The symptoms hit me like a Mack truck! Snuffy nose, intense headache, body aches and extreme fatigue! I did telecommute Thursday and Friday (1/2 day), but quite honestly, I was not  burning up the keyboard with productivity.  This weekend has been hot fluids, couch, and Netflix movies.(Side note, you must ...