Sunday, May 27, 2018
Exhausting WeekEnd
Monday, May 14, 2018
And another thing....
I admit it....I can be rather slow when it comes to quick witted retorts to the workplace smart ass. Hard to believe, but it's true. I'm also the last one to get the joke...the last one to laugh and often the one getting laughed at.
But the joke is on everyone else. Because those of us who come late to the party are actually planning the slow, untimely demise of everyone around us. We're having heated, verbal arguments with everyone...granted, they're in our head...but we're having them....all the while hurling daggers and brandishing insults about like Hulk Hogan throwing his opponent over the ropes. Take THAT!
So, while the cat may have our tongue, rest assured we have an arsenal of word weaponry at our disposal....the minute you walk away! Lol :)
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Living Life
I did pick up one extra class at Anytime Fitness on Monday nights - I'll be teaching Pilates at 5:30pm. But It's ok, because I planned on making Monday nights my extra gym night.
I've also made the decision to make a goal of riding 500 miles starting May 1st to the end of September. I know, it's a pretty lofty goal, but one I'm willing to try and tackle. I think I have it figured out that it'll be 22.5 miles per week. Now, if I can get the weather to cooperate, I'll hopefully be on attain my goal. If I don't, well - there's always next year.
And of course, I'm looking forward to being out in the sun, drinking wine on my back patio, reading a book, and just enjoying time to myself.
I'm going to be a little selfish with this next statement...and please forgive me if it offends you in any way...but you're reading my if it does offend you, you don't need to come back.
I'm living way. Like me, hate me, judge me, embrace me, you're with me, or you're not... I really don't care either way. Just get out of my way...cuz I'm going to be living life.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight! January felt like it was an entire year. This week felt like someone was holding my...
Once in a while I receive a request to "repeat" a blog post. This is one of the repeat posts that I hope you all enjoy the 2nd ti...
And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...
I always struggle with some people's work ethic, or lack thereof. I've always been raised with the mindset that if there is work to...