Saturday, March 31, 2018


I'm getting a little tired of this snow.    We received another 6 inches of the white stuff last night and there is more predicted for Monday night in to Tuesday.   It certainly isn't the weather that shouts Spring, let alone Easter.  

T, always a rancher at heart, was feeling sorry for all the cattle ranchers out there who are calving at this time of year.  For many, many year he was one of them.   I can remember many Easter's where I ate alone because he had to go tend to a calving case.  I don't know how he (and his brother Bill) did it for as long as they did; I'm just glad that they no longer have to.

Yesterday we helped my niece Karen, and husband Dave, load up a U-Haul with furniture and other items from their mother's house to take back to their new home in Minneapolis.   It was a mad rush to get everything loaded so they could get on the road and beat the storm.    We did it, with a couple of hours to spare on this end, but Karen said they made in to Minneapolis just before it started to snow there.   Good Timing.  I'm anxious to see their home when they get all moved in and settled.   

That time might come sometime in June or July.  A friend and I are looking at doing a girls weekend in the Cities.   I would like to do it to coincide with the arrival of my niece Joan (and family) from NC.  They'll be moving back to MN in June so that she can start hew new job at the University of MN.   So, if I could swing it, I'd get to see Joan (and family) and Karen and Dave too.  Double win!

I had another reading with the Military Medium.  My dad came through again and his message to me was "now is the time to do something learning, new classes, new growth".  I've been thinking of doing some new things  with the time that I'll have when I no longer have my yoga studio.   Dad is validating that for me and letting me know that it's time.   I agree, Dad, I agree.    For so long I've done things for everyone else....but it's time for me to get selfish and start doing for me.  

I'm looking forward to Spring, a time of renewal.....for nature....for me.   

Sunday, March 25, 2018


I'm sitting here, on March 25th - what would've been my mother's 98th birthday.  I miss her terribly and wish I could sit and talk with her.  To ask her if she loved the life she chose,  what her deepest fears were and if she had any advice.

I wrote a few months ago that I wished that I had taken more time to listen to her, spent more time with her and to have taken every opportunity to absorb who she was.   Now, I live on the memories and try to understand the mother that she was, to relive the good times with her.  Every girl, woman, needs her mother....and there are so many times that I wish I had mine. 

I am getting all kinds of questions on why I abruptly announced that I was closing down my studio.  Of course, there are speculations such as I'm sick, I have cancer, my husband is sick, we're getting a divorce, I'm moving ....and my personal favorite, I'm pregnant. (I'm not).  

I've made no secret that I'm not a religious person, but very spiritual and in tune with the Universe.  I feel people emotions, vibrations, energy and have a somewhat empathic and intuitive nature.   Along with the fact that I've been teaching this schedule for 12 years, I feel as if the Universe is telling me to clear my make room or time for my next chapter.    It's hard to explain.  

This upcoming weekend is Easter weekend.  On Friday night, my best friend and I are going to the Military Medium for a gallery reading.  Last time my Father came through and told me that "I was exactly where I needed to be".   I'm interested to see if Dad comes through again, or Mom, and what they have to say.     Then on Saturday, we're taking an Intuitive class from him.  This class is to tune in to our intuitive side (we all have intuition, we just need to learn to recognize and listen to it).   I'm excited for this as well.  I've always "felt" things, so it'll be good to learn more about it and how to channel it.   T says this is all "hocus pocus" stuff (same thing he said about my teaching yoga!)  LOL  but he's good natured and goes along with it even though he doesn't understand it.  

Also coming friend and I are looking at going to Minneapolis, to schedule our "past life regressions."   What is that, you ask?    Well, when we die, our body stays on  earth but our souls travel to the Universe to be reincarnated (my belief).  We live several lives and often our lives follow patterns until we "get it right."     One of my friends and her husband just had theirs done and it was "life altering"....their words, not mine.    I've always felt like I am an old soul, that I've lived before.  I've always fancied myself as a gypsy in Ireland or Scotland. (To validate those who way that I have a gypsy soul!) LOL  

Anyways, stay tuned!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Book

My great nephew, Hayden T. Schulz, started a school project called My Journey Journal.  In it he tells a little bit about himself, then asks for those on the list (which includes his grandfather, his aunt, and his great aunts and uncles), to do the same.

This book has been traveling though my family since around Christmas.   Last week Thursday I sent a text message to two of my siblings, Peggy and Terry, asking them who had the book.   I was informed was just sent with Terry.

Now, I know my family.  The fact that this book has been floating around my family since Christmas tells me that I'm in a family of procrastinators.  :)   Anyways,  after a little coaxing to my brother, I received the book yesterday and finished it this afternoon.

Hayden, being 9 years of age, is quite the deep thinker (according to my brother Ron), a bit of a wise cracker too.   

As I read through each of my siblings' writings, I saw that they wrote of their life, work, and their family.   They shared pictures of their children, their accomplishments, pictures and some funny anecdotes of growing up in the Schulz family.

So when it came time for me to write, I wasn't quite sure what to write.  The only thing I knew was that the reoccurring theme of the book was Family.

I shared a picture of Hayden's Great Grandparents (my parents), and then told a little about myself.   Was it interesting to a 9-year old?  I'm not sure.  I hope so.  

I tried to leave him with a few words of advice to take with him through life: 

Now matter what happens to you in life, the one thing that will always be constant and true, is family.  No one can ever take that away from you.  Always be true to yourself, always Believe in yourself, work hard, cherish family and dream big.

In truth, those words can be mean to any one of us.  

The book is finished and tomorrow it will be in the mail back to my brother Ron so that he can give it to his grandson, Hayden.   

I'm will be anxious to hear what he thinks of our letters to him.  

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Next Step

I just finished my 8th annual, and last, yoga retreat at the Lakeview Meadow Cabins here in Jamestown.  Thirteen beautiful souls attended my retreat this year.   We had a great time of yoga, food, drink, laughter, and plenty of tears.

I've been doing yoga for 16 years, and teaching for 12 years.   I've thoroughly enjoyed teaching all of those 12 years, helping students begin their own yoga path.  I'd like to think that I was the inspiration for two of them to move forward in their yoga path and become teachers.   

But with every beginning, there is an ending...and a new beginning.  

It was with a heavy heart that I made the announcement to the retreat attendees yesterday that Saturday May 19th would be my last class in my studio.   I could not hold back the emotion and the tears flowed.   My heart was sad. 

I've built my business organically and through word of mouth.  I've taught two classes, two nights a week and Saturday mornings for the last 12 years.  I've looked forward to seeing my students, hearing about their trial and tribulations, working through life together on the yoga mat.   In truth, they've all helped me more than I've helped them.   

But there comes a time when one knows that you just need to take the next step in your life journey.   The Universe has sent me some signs that I cannot ignore any longer.  I do not know what is in store for me, but I believe I'm meant to clear my plate for something headed in my direction.  I can only have faith and Believe that all is as it supposed to be.

While I will miss my students, I look forward to more free time. Although knowing me, I'll probably fill it up with something -family time, more gym time, bike riding, maybe I'll be the student and take some classes at Anytime Fitness.   I'm not one to just sit around, so I'm sure I'll find something to occupy that free time.

And to clear this up - I'm not quitting yoga.  I'll still be teaching two yoga classes per week at Anytime Fitness. Plus, I'll keep doing my home yoga practice. 

I'm looking forward to my next step in life

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...