I'm getting a little tired of this snow. We received another 6 inches of the white stuff last night and there is more predicted for Monday night in to Tuesday. It certainly isn't the weather that shouts Spring, let alone Easter.
T, always a rancher at heart, was feeling sorry for all the cattle ranchers out there who are calving at this time of year. For many, many year he was one of them. I can remember many Easter's where I ate alone because he had to go tend to a calving case. I don't know how he (and his brother Bill) did it for as long as they did; I'm just glad that they no longer have to.
Yesterday we helped my niece Karen, and husband Dave, load up a U-Haul with furniture and other items from their mother's house to take back to their new home in Minneapolis. It was a mad rush to get everything loaded so they could get on the road and beat the storm. We did it, with a couple of hours to spare on this end, but Karen said they made in to Minneapolis just before it started to snow there. Good Timing. I'm anxious to see their home when they get all moved in and settled.
That time might come sometime in June or July. A friend and I are looking at doing a girls weekend in the Cities. I would like to do it to coincide with the arrival of my niece Joan (and family) from NC. They'll be moving back to MN in June so that she can start hew new job at the University of MN. So, if I could swing it, I'd get to see Joan (and family) and Karen and Dave too. Double win!
I had another reading with the Military Medium. My dad came through again and his message to me was "now is the time to do something new....new learning, new classes, new growth". I've been thinking of doing some new things with the time that I'll have when I no longer have my yoga studio. Dad is validating that for me and letting me know that it's time. I agree, Dad, I agree. For so long I've done things for everyone else....but it's time for me to get selfish and start doing for me.
I'm looking forward to Spring, a time of renewal.....for nature....for me.