
Showing posts from December, 2017


Sometimes I have frustrations...okay...a LOT of the time.   I try to work through them as best I can.  I may vent from time to time but Im typically not a constant whiner ...more of a "take charge and fix it" type of gal. So, some of my frustrations, lately, have been with whiners.  You know ..the ones that could find fault with winning the lottery. I may be positive or overly optimistic 90% of the time...and perhaps I piss off the debbie downers too....but gawd! I'd rather be a bright light than someone who sucks energy out ya. Just sayin! #nodramazone #changeyourtude #findthelight

Tis The Season

I think I am ready...for the most part.   I have gifts all taken care of, I just need an afternoon to wrap everything up...literally.   I'd gladly pay someone to wrap presents for me...cuz I'm horrible at it.   But, it's the thought that counts, right? So today starts the 12 days of Christmas.  There will be a whole lot of stuff packed in to the next couple of weeks and it's going to be fun. Tomorrow night I'm meeting with friends (current and former) for a few drinks at the Grille.  Then Saturday night we're going to the new Star Wars movie with Tom's nephew and his family.   Sunday is a baby shower for a family friend and co-worker.   Somewhere in there I'll find time to work out, in addition to teaching two yoga classes, and wrap presents, deliver gift cards, do laundry and wash dishes.  I'm superwoman....right? Next week I'll be teaching on my regular yoga schedule, but then I'm taking a break for a few days from...