
Showing posts from November, 2017

Much to say...

...but words eccape me. So happy to have spent some time with my niece,Joan, when she was home this past weekend.  Seriously looking forward to her moving back to MN!   Then she and Karen better watch out, I'll be visiting often. My heart goes out to a co-worker embarking on medical treatment.  It's  going to be a fight, but I promised I'd take each step with her...and I will. Sometimes I feel the inner circle of friends is swiftly changing direction on me.  It's a struggle to be the social coordinator cuz everyone is uber busy...but I do what I can. The president is a bafoon and he's going to take this country right in the tank; he a already has.  Someone needs to wake up fast and start talking impeachment and start soon!  (My blog, my opinion...if you don't agree, don't read.  Youre entitled to your opionion, please respect mine). Society needs to get a grip and get back to the basics of being human. I feel sorry for us...where has our...


Adulting is difficult on most days, but on days when you're already hanging on by the fingernails, it truly is not necessary to hang on to my feet and pull me down. We've all been there.  You're cruisin through your morning, doing the positive brain framing, you've got your shit "handled" for the most part.   Then.... it happens. You know, the comment said with a sarcastic tone, the if looks could kill "look", the micro managers, the egotistical control freaks that dont believe anything can be done correctly unless they do it. Or, the spousal unit keeps calling, asking "did you do (insert task here) yet?"  Hmmmm, lemme see....not since you called me 15 minutes ago.  But let me drop everything Im working on at my job and get right on that honey. We all have that one little trigger or hot button...the one that fires you up faster than one of the Donald's Tweets .  You're lying if you say you don't!   And if you truly g...


I am in Fargo this weekend to attend a Pilates certification.   I know...Yoga, now Pilates?   I've been teaching Yoga for 10 years.  I've been very happy teaching Yoga, but the last year or so I've felt the need to do change it up a bit.  So, Pilates it is.  I'm enjoying the class/certification and am already looking forward to bringing my knowledge in to my studio, as well as Anytime Fitness.  I'll need to reconfigure my class formats and schedules, but I think it will be well received.  (I hope). I've also been enjoying some clothes shopping.  I must say, it's been sorely needed.  I haven't had a shopping spree in four years, so cost wise, it's been good.   I picked up items that will go well for work as well as leisure. I also visited the Barnes & Noble bookstore.  Oh my gosh...I love that store.   I stocked up on a few authors, which should get me through the ...


I had the opportunity to have a psychic medium do a reading on me last night.   Actually, it was a small intimate gallery reading with 9 other individuals; I knew most of them.  The organizer of the event wanted to keep it small and intimate so that everyone was guaranteed a reading. The medium, Dean, introduced himself and explained a little about how he became or acknowledged that he had this gift.   He stated that he usually starts with a presence that is making itself known to him and whomever (in the gallery) validates the presence is the beginning of the gallery reading and he'll go around the room.  He also stated that when he reads others in the room, some things said to them may resonate with us - if we are meant to hear them.  He had written down a few notes on his tablet and stated he'd start with the first one, which was a man in his mid  70's, a butcher or someone who cut up meat, worked with knives in a kitchen - and did any...


Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman: 1) enthusiasm is contagious 2)don't believe everything you think 3) Of course I will lose a glove of a set I've worn only  once 4) lead by example 5) right now there is someone in the world judging me without knowing me or my story 6) I could care less 7) I am in need of comfort food 8) if a question is asked of you that is of a person nature and you'd rather not answer, reply with "why do you Need to know?"...stops them dead in their tracks every time 😉 9) sometimes you just need a big bowl of ice cream to put things in perspective.  Or wine.  Wine works too 10) I just don't like this weather