
Showing posts from February, 2017

Another Cold

I was feeling good for three weeks.  Then BAM! Another cold hit me like a ton of bricks last night.  The doctor said I had  weakened immune system, but geezzz!...this is ridiculous! So here I sit, cough drops, Kleenex, Tylenol and tea.   Golly Gee! 🤒 I had my abdominal ultrasound today, which was not a pleasant experience.  The technician was focusing a whole lot in the direction of my right ovary, which is where the doctor said "didn't feel right." I'm a pretty positive person.  But if you caught my last blog post, you'll see one of my thoughts listed was "why do we always think worst case scenario when faced with the unknown."   (Thank you, Rob, for your insight on that one). So, I'm trying hard not to let my Virgo mind (anxiety) create a problem where there probably isn't one.  I'll cross the bridge when/if I need to.  Otherwise, not much else is going on.  Taking life day by day and trusting the Universe has me ...


1) I'm tired of turning on the news and hearing hate and discontent 2) I'm not willing to give up easily on things or people I Believe in. 3) Too many do. (Referring to #2). 4) Seriously not looking forward to upcoming medical tests. 5) Why do we immediately think of the worst case scenario when faced with the unknown ? 6)  My lunch isn't very appetizing 7) Just 4 weeks until the first day of Spring 8) I ache.  The full speed ahead approach in the gym isn't always the best approach 9) I believe I've settled on my next tattoo design and location 10) I have a filter.  50%of the time I don't use it when I should, generally in those moments when I'd like to say, "are F'ing kidding me?!" but hold my filter because I don't want to 1)cause hurt 2) be a bitch 11) That's me....peacemaker. 12) I am SO grateful that yoga and exercise help to calm me down. 13) Despite everything going on around me, in me or to could always be...


The mind is a fickle thing.  It controls so much of us....thought processes, body, personality,  mood, behavior. There is an entire show on the Discovery Channel called Mind Games.  It's rather interesting yet frightening. The basis is about what we (our minds) actually see and what we perce ive .  A car accident is witnessed by 3 people.  When interviewed separately, they each gave a different "eyewitness " report on what happened. How often have you heard something or seen something, and you immediately draw a conclusion based off of what you have just seen (or heard)?  Your mind, perception, steps in and a belief is formed. We, as humans, are quick to judge based off of our perception of reality.  The judgement comes from the innate need to be right. It's quite sad when people's lives, reputations and careers are affected by perception, and ultimately....judgement. Not all perceptions are real and true.  Think about that the next time yo...


Life is in a constant state of flux.  Change is never easy, but it's a constant part of life.  An oxymoron.   Relationships, people, moods, weather, jobs, health, thoughts, ...everything changes. Sometimes the change is welcomed, like winter turning in to spring.  Or when our health improves...change is good.   Change is unwelcome when it affects people I know and love in a negative way.   I have two friends that are going through some very difficult times right now.  Their lives have been in a constant state of upheaval the last two years due to accidents, cancer, depression, and job changes. It seems as though a  dark cloud of misfortune hangs above them.  I pray that things turn around for them soon, very soon.  It is true ..the saying Carpe Diem (Seize the Day).  In yoga, the words 'Be Present" mean the same.  We are all presented with 24 hours in which to live a day in our lif...

Something to Think About

I'm at lunch right now and have a couple of things I need to get off my chest. 1) When did we become so disrespectful and an entitled society/nation?  We've become hurtful in words and actions.   We think nothing of getting on our computers or phones to belittle or demean people we may or may not know.  I was taught that it's OK to disagree on issues, if you can't say something nice then don't say it....or, address it with the person IN operson rather than cut them down from a computer app or behind their back. Entitlement?  You want to get paid top dollar but get upset when you're asked to do honest work for it?  Puuhhleaasssee!  Suck it up.  Start at the bottom, work your way up, earn the things you just might appreciate what you have more and be less judgemental of those less fortunate than yourself.  2) If you're not willing to hear someone else's opinion,  then don't offer your own.  Conversation and debate are b...