
My heart aches for those experiencing any type of darkness in their lives.  So many people are struggling with loss, health, self-esteem, family or work issues.  
I listen to all of you, I hear all of you, I embrace all of you.   Your burdens become my burdens and I stand with you as you fight to build a beam of light in your tunnel of darkness. 
I want to help, I want to fix, I want to take you by the hand and guide you to happier times.   But I cannot.   I have learned, through fighting through my own trials and tribulations, that no one can fix you ...except you.
When motivation to get up the couch and take a walk escapes you, look at the person who is fighting cancer.
When family issues pull you down, look to the orphan who has no family.
When your finances are slim, look to the homeless person.
When your job has your stomach turning in knots, look to the person who has no job.
It's going to take work.  It's going to take some perseverance and determination to make things better.  It may be that you need to set the only goal of just waking up and believing that each day is a new day to get it right. 
 There are going to be good days and bad days.   More often than not, you'll have more bad days than good.  When you have the good days, celebrate them, embrace them, and look forward to them, remember the feeling of them.   Then strive to make several of them, in succession, so eventually you have more good days than bad.
This video spoke to me so much that I wanted to share it.  The young man in this video has limited years to live due to CF.   He fights to live each day as if it were his last.  It's a wakeup call to the able bodied people who are sitting on the couch, wishing their life were better.  
Life doesn't come with a remote - you have to get up and change it yourself.


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