Sunday, July 7, 2013


My 4th of July was awesome and so was this weekend.  So much so, that I am now in recovery mode.  I rather like it when that happens. 

The 4th found us at my sister Peggy's house.  My brother Ron (and wife Pearl), my brother Terry (and wife Marna), niece Karen (and Dave), along with Neil Weatherly (and wife Donna) were there.  Blaine showed up later just in time to eat and dash off to the races that evening. 

We ate munchies, drank lots of beverages and even managed to play a game or two of croquet.  I even managed to win one!  It was hotter than heck but that's alright - meant that the beer tasted better.

Friday evening we were invited up to Peggy's again to visit with Karen and Dave.  Peggy fixed steak and potatoes on the grill.  Awesome.  Karen played hostess making sure that my Pendleton water/cloudy glass was never empty.  Which, based off the major headache I had on Saturday morning, she apparently did a good job. 

It's was White Cloud Days in Jamestown so Saturday found all kinds of activities around town, which included a parade.  I was to have yoga classes Saturday.  I cancelled because my mother-in-law wanted to go to the parade and I figured that I wouldn't have all that many students in the first placed, it being a holiday weekend and all.  In all honesty, that king size headache I had also played a fairly large part in the decision. (Note to self, be more responsible when drinking and yoga is the next day).

We also went to the races last night.  The modified series was in town with reportedly 80 cars.  All I know is it was hot, dusty and long!  The races didn't end until midnight.  I was so grungy that I took a hot shower when I got home just to was the grime off.  It was almost 1am by the time I got to  bed. .  Of course, I couldn't sleep in this morning - I beat the alarm up at 5:15.  lol 

I ate and drank so much this weekend that when I stepped on the scale I almost had a heart attack.  Somehow those 6 lbs turned in to 10.  :(   I hit the gym today and did 4.7 miles (65 minutes) on the cross trainer, another 15 on the bike THEN sat in the sauna for 30 minutes.  Hope to hell whatever water weight I packed on was sweated off.   HOPEFULLY.

So tomorrow - Monday - it's back to work and back to the diet.   I've researched diets this afternoon and have come up with a game plan.  Low carb, high protein is the way I'm going to try to go.  Hopefully I'll make it longer than a day.  lol

So....that's it.  I'm in recovery mode from the weekend.  I like it when that happens.  :)

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 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...