I like listening or taking part in conversations. There are several different kinds of conversations and conversationalists. You have to listen closely to distinguish between them. I'll do my best to give you a little run down on them. Next time you're in a conversation, listen...and smile.
The Know It All: This particular conversation/conversationalist is the epitome of annoying. No matter who is talking, the "Know It All", literally ...knows it all. Just ask them, they'll tell you. They'll let you know is short order that they can do everything (and have) done everything from A to Z. They'll tell you how they built their own build their own houses out of lumber they've harvested from the land with their very own hands.
The Weather Chanel: This one always amuses me. No matter what the conversation is at hand, there is always someone in the conversation that will turn it towards the subject of weather. "How much rain did we get last night?" or "The wind is supposed to come up today," can be heard when the subject wasn't even close to being that of weather.
It's All About Me: Not to be confused the Know It All. The All About Me strategically turns the conversation in their direction with the quickest of ease. This person likes to be the center of attention and shines in the spotlight. They do not listen nor do they care. Their only reason for being in the conversation is find the precise moment where they can turn it in their direction and let the world know how great and wonderful they are. They either thought of it, or did it, or was the inspiration behind someone else's act. They ARE better than the average joe. Just ask them. (Often associated with Type A personalities).
Judge and Jury: This one makes me mad as hell. No matter what the situation or the person involved in it, the "Judge and Jury" already has the person tried, crucified and buried. They do not care of the details, they do not care of the backstory or history and they do not want to know. Guilty - without possibility of parole.
Gossip: This type of person works well with the Judge and Jury. The "Gossip" takes a tidbit of information - be it true or not - and puts it in to a conversation...most often with the Judge and Jury. "I heard that 'so and so' lost their job because they were drinking on the job." Well now...that's ALL that is needed for the Judge and Jury to hang the individual from the oak tree. The Gossip and Judge/Jury feed off each other. While the Gossip is quick to divulge half truths, they are hesitant in handing out a verdict. They leave that for the Judge and Jury to do.
The "Whatever You Say"; This person doesn't have an independent thought of their own. In conversations they agree to everything that is said....positive or negative...sometimes in the same conversation. I often need a tablet and pen when I'm in conversation with this type of person. It's difficult to keep track of where they stand on any particular situation. They agree with everyone.
The Complainer: This one zaps the energy right out of me. No matter what it is, it's never right. A person could hand them a brick of gold, and the gold wouldn't be shiny enough. They find fault with every thing and every one.
The Sickie: The day starts and ends with this person giving you a run down of their medical history. Their throat hurts, their back hurts, their feet are on fire. They have an arsenal of over the counter medications in their purse or desk drawer just so they can function on an hour to hour basis.
I've been privileged to have engaged conversation with each of these individuals off and on over the last 30 years. They never cease to amaze me.
Now that I've given my take on them, perhaps you can tell me where I fit in? LOL
The Know It All: This particular conversation/conversationalist is the epitome of annoying. No matter who is talking, the "Know It All", literally ...knows it all. Just ask them, they'll tell you. They'll let you know is short order that they can do everything (and have) done everything from A to Z. They'll tell you how they built their own build their own houses out of lumber they've harvested from the land with their very own hands.
The Weather Chanel: This one always amuses me. No matter what the conversation is at hand, there is always someone in the conversation that will turn it towards the subject of weather. "How much rain did we get last night?" or "The wind is supposed to come up today," can be heard when the subject wasn't even close to being that of weather.
It's All About Me: Not to be confused the Know It All. The All About Me strategically turns the conversation in their direction with the quickest of ease. This person likes to be the center of attention and shines in the spotlight. They do not listen nor do they care. Their only reason for being in the conversation is find the precise moment where they can turn it in their direction and let the world know how great and wonderful they are. They either thought of it, or did it, or was the inspiration behind someone else's act. They ARE better than the average joe. Just ask them. (Often associated with Type A personalities).
Judge and Jury: This one makes me mad as hell. No matter what the situation or the person involved in it, the "Judge and Jury" already has the person tried, crucified and buried. They do not care of the details, they do not care of the backstory or history and they do not want to know. Guilty - without possibility of parole.
Gossip: This type of person works well with the Judge and Jury. The "Gossip" takes a tidbit of information - be it true or not - and puts it in to a conversation...most often with the Judge and Jury. "I heard that 'so and so' lost their job because they were drinking on the job." Well now...that's ALL that is needed for the Judge and Jury to hang the individual from the oak tree. The Gossip and Judge/Jury feed off each other. While the Gossip is quick to divulge half truths, they are hesitant in handing out a verdict. They leave that for the Judge and Jury to do.
The "Whatever You Say"; This person doesn't have an independent thought of their own. In conversations they agree to everything that is said....positive or negative...sometimes in the same conversation. I often need a tablet and pen when I'm in conversation with this type of person. It's difficult to keep track of where they stand on any particular situation. They agree with everyone.
The Complainer: This one zaps the energy right out of me. No matter what it is, it's never right. A person could hand them a brick of gold, and the gold wouldn't be shiny enough. They find fault with every thing and every one.
The Sickie: The day starts and ends with this person giving you a run down of their medical history. Their throat hurts, their back hurts, their feet are on fire. They have an arsenal of over the counter medications in their purse or desk drawer just so they can function on an hour to hour basis.
I've been privileged to have engaged conversation with each of these individuals off and on over the last 30 years. They never cease to amaze me.
Now that I've given my take on them, perhaps you can tell me where I fit in? LOL