Sunday, April 7, 2013


Everyone has a list of "shoulds."  You know what they are.  Those are the things that we "should" be doing every day.  In a perfect world and if we had 32 hour days rather than 24 hours. 

I was thinking about this on the elliptical this afternoon.  Why?  Well, as any true Virgo does, I was prioritizing my time after the gym with all the things that I needed to get done in order to prepare for Monday.  That led to "Oh, but I 'should'  do this too, which led to a whole bunch of shoulds.   I know!  I'm neurotic.  

So, here is what I came up with of the "shoulds" that made it on to my daily list.

  1. Get 30 minutes of exercise day.
  2. Take vitamins. 
  3. Take calcium (strong bones)
  4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
  5. Pack lunch for next day
  6. Stay away from carbs
  7. Focus on protein
  8. Make bed
  9. Wipe down shower and sink when I'm finished in the morning
  10. Put dirty towels/clothes in the laundry basket
  11. Rinse and put dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
  12. Run said dishwasher in the evening if needed.
  13. Call mother in law at some point during the day
  14. Make contact with my siblings.
  15. Make coffee and set timer for next morning
  16. Pack yoga bag or gym bag depending on the day
  17. Check in with bff's and see how they're doing. 
  18. Keep phone charged
  19. Keep ipod charged
  20. Check bank balances
  21. Start worrying about supper around noon.
  22. Call hubster to take out meat once I figure out what we're having for supper.
  23. Log food intake in to
  24. Return voicemails and emails of inquiries about yoga.
  25. Come up with funny and witty Facebook status for personal, yoga, and Schulz family facebook pages.
  26. Come up with blog ideas this blog and yoga blog.
  27. Read a chapter from one of the 3 books I have in progress.

Pretty sure there are more that I "Should" have more "shoulds"  but I'm choosing to forget them cuz I'm already tired thinking of everything.   AND, I haven't put working an 8 or 9 hour day and finding time to sit down and relax.

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