Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Morning Revelations

  • It's OK to be laid back and lazy on a Sunday morning
  • Coffee is much better when it's freshly brewed
  • Eggs are better when they're fried and the yolk is smushed
  • My music tastes are eclectic
  • Hot Flashes suck
  • My nephew Blaine inspires me
  • I want to be wanted and appreciated
  • Carbs are not my friend
  • I crave salty, crunchy, sweet things
  • Moscato and Riesling wines are my favorite
  • Doesn't give a rats  ass what people think of me, except those of a very select few people I consider my closest friends in the world (I can count them on three fingers)
  • Wishes I could sing and dance
  • I snore when I lay on my back (or so I'm told).
  • I like dark colors but my spirit is bright
  • I am passionate
  • I am have no sense of style
  • I hate shopping - (which is why I have no sense of style)
  • Has more wrinkles and spots on my face than I care to admit,
  • Is somewhat vain in that I want to make a good impression so always try to put my best appearance forward (i.e., no sweatpants in Wal-Mart unless I'm on my way home from the gym). 
  • Has no idea what my original hair color is,
  • Acknowledges that every decision has led me to where I am
  • Wishes I could devote more time to the book I am writing. (Yes, I am writing a book).
  • Feels free when I am on my yoga mat
  • Doesn't like people who patronize me.
  • Appreciates the human body and the things it can do, when given the chance.
  • Is body conscious, always
  • Wants to live in the present and tries to live each day as if it were my last, but admits that I'm in wonder of what the future holds in store for me.
  • Is sometimes worried of that future
  • Has an inner child that still likes to come out and play once in a while.
  • Isn't a bad person, but could be better.
  • I have something to say
  • I am happy, most days.

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