I don't have anything in mind to write about tonight. I know, right? Me, without something on my mind? Say it isn't so! lol So, I'm going to prattle on and on about a whole lot of nothing. Here goes: Best Sports Movies of all Time : Remember the Titans and Miracle . I've seen both of them numerous times and every single time where the good guys triumph, my eyes mist up and I get a lump in my throat the size of Texas. It's good to have that inspiration in knowing that the impossible can happen and miracles can be achieved. Best Movie with a Message: Hands down, Freedom Writers. Never heard of it? That's a shame. Seek it out, rent it and watch it. It's a story of overcoming what is given to you with the will to survive and be a better person - against all odds. My favorite breakfast of all Time : Hands down...and Egg McMuffin (Sherry style). What does that mean? Egg White (such as Egg ...