I don't have anything in mind to write about tonight. I know, right? Me, without something on my mind? Say it isn't so! lol
So, I'm going to prattle on and on about a whole lot of nothing. Here goes:
Best Sports Movies of all Time: Remember the Titans and Miracle. I've seen both of them numerous times and every single time where the good guys triumph, my eyes mist up and I get a lump in my throat the size of Texas. It's good to have that inspiration in knowing that the impossible can happen and miracles can be achieved.
Best Movie with a Message: Hands down, Freedom Writers. Never heard of it? That's a shame. Seek it out, rent it and watch it. It's a story of overcoming what is given to you with the will to survive and be a better person - against all odds.
My favorite breakfast of all Time: Hands down...and Egg McMuffin (Sherry style). What does that mean? Egg White (such as Egg Beatrs), a 1/2 a slice of low fat cheese, and an English Muffin. Yuummmmm!
Favorite Guilty Pleasure: If I'm going to splurge on something caloric, it's going to be chocolate chip cheesecake or chocolate covered strawberries. Pure decadence! If it's non-caloric pleasure I'm seeking, it's going to be skipping any work or obligations and laying down with a good book and losing myself for hours (or, in some cases, a full day/night).
I'm Out There: I have strange and quirky fascinations with fairies, dragon slayers, gypsies, vampires, time travel, Camelot, Spartacus, the Keltar, Scotland, Ireland, and all things to do with knights in shining honor. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong century.
Favorite Sandwhich: That would be a Reuben. Go Sauerkraut!!
Favorite Sexual Position: Like I would tell the world in a blog! Haaaa!!! Gotchaya... :) :)
With that, it's time for me to go to bed now...I'm getting a little punchy. It's getting late - 9:40pm..lol..and I've got a long week ahead of me.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Classes Cancelled for 02/18/13
Yoga Fans: Be advised that yoga classes tonight are CANCELLED!! Weather advisory is noted as I just came back from town and I couldn't see the hand in front of my face if I wanted to. So, I'm taking heed and keeping my yoga butt home tonight. Please spread the word to those who may not have Facebook. I will be posting on my Facebook pages and on Twitter as well. I will not, however, be sending out an email. Thank you for your understanding.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Sunday Morning Revelations
- It's OK to be laid back and lazy on a Sunday morning
- Coffee is much better when it's freshly brewed
- Eggs are better when they're fried and the yolk is smushed
- My music tastes are eclectic
- Hot Flashes suck
- My nephew Blaine inspires me
- I want to be wanted and appreciated
- Carbs are not my friend
- I crave salty, crunchy, sweet things
- Moscato and Riesling wines are my favorite
- Doesn't give a rats ass what people think of me, except those of a very select few people I consider my closest friends in the world (I can count them on three fingers)
- Wishes I could sing and dance
- I snore when I lay on my back (or so I'm told).
- I like dark colors but my spirit is bright
- I am passionate
- I am have no sense of style
- I hate shopping - (which is why I have no sense of style)
- Has more wrinkles and spots on my face than I care to admit,
- Is somewhat vain in that I want to make a good impression so always try to put my best appearance forward (i.e., no sweatpants in Wal-Mart unless I'm on my way home from the gym).
- Has no idea what my original hair color is,
- Acknowledges that every decision has led me to where I am
- Wishes I could devote more time to the book I am writing. (Yes, I am writing a book).
- Feels free when I am on my yoga mat
- Doesn't like people who patronize me.
- Appreciates the human body and the things it can do, when given the chance.
- Is body conscious, always
- Wants to live in the present and tries to live each day as if it were my last, but admits that I'm in wonder of what the future holds in store for me.
- Is sometimes worried of that future
- Has an inner child that still likes to come out and play once in a while.
- Isn't a bad person, but could be better.
- I have something to say
- I am happy, most days.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Cold Feet
So I'm having cold feet....literally. I cannot seem to keep my feet warm this winter. It's terrible!!
I wake up in the morning and the first thing I grab for is my pair(s) of warm fuzzy socks laying beside the bed. Notice I said sockS. I have my white exercise socks that go on first, cuz they're snug and comfy. Then comes the warm, fluffy, fuzzy wooly socks. Pure foot heaven.
Hate to say this, but I go to bed with the layered socks too. But after a lil bit, my feet get claustrophobic and I start peeling off the socks. But that's ok, they've served their purpose...my feet are now toasty warm in the warmth of my sheets.
Sexy? Depends...just don't miss the sock striptease! LOL
I wake up in the morning and the first thing I grab for is my pair(s) of warm fuzzy socks laying beside the bed. Notice I said sockS. I have my white exercise socks that go on first, cuz they're snug and comfy. Then comes the warm, fluffy, fuzzy wooly socks. Pure foot heaven.
Hate to say this, but I go to bed with the layered socks too. But after a lil bit, my feet get claustrophobic and I start peeling off the socks. But that's ok, they've served their purpose...my feet are now toasty warm in the warmth of my sheets.
Sexy? Depends...just don't miss the sock striptease! LOL
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Hodge Podge
Wow, what a wild weekend. Seems like so much has happened and yet my mind is blank. What do I write about? What do I focus on?
Work has been super busy, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. I like to be kept busy, but when I hit the ground running and don't stop until quitting time, well...not sure I like that so much. Sounds a bit like I'm whining, doesn't it? I should be grateful for a job...and I am...but lets slow it down just a smidge, shall we?
I recently put on post on my blog regarding "time stealing"...and it resulted in a bit of ..shall we say..flack. I've never made a secret of the fact that what is on my mind tends to come out my mouth. I have a faulty filter. I know this. If you read my blog, you'll know that I state it as it is most of the time. I have a right to express my opinion and feelings, and I will do so when I want and how I want. If you don't like it, don't read my blog. Pure and simple.
My nephew Blaine was in S. Korea for the Special Olympics World Winter Games as a snowshoeing racer in the 200m, 4x400m Relay, and individual 400m. He came home with a Silver in the 200m with a winning time of 0:37.2 seconds. Freaking Awesome. His relay team came away with 4th place, and he came home with a 7th place ribbon in his individual 400m race. We had his welcome home reception today from 1-5pm...in a blizzard. Yep. The weather gods were NOT in our favor today. However, those that braved the weather and showed up today were awesome! Thank you so Very much!.
If you haven't been following Blaine's Olympic Journey on Facebook, you're a minority it seems. As of tonight, we're at 1,531 Likes. Freakin Awesome! it started out a small little page on Christmas Eve with a request for 100 likes by midnight. We had 200. It took off like wild fire when Blaine headed for Korea. Blaine's fan base is totally awesome. But then, look at Blaine himself. I swell with pride whenever I think about what he has accomplished in his life.
He goes back to work tomorrow and returns to the gym at 6:30pm to work out with his trainer. He never stops. He has a goal in mind and he's going to work towards it. For now, Blaine's Olympic Journey will become idle... but don't "Unlike" it...you never know when Blaine will embark on his Next Olympic Journey.
So tonight, I'm sitting her in a blizzard, watching the Grammy's and writing about a hodge podge of things on my mind. I'm a bit scattered, overwhelmed, proud, teary-eyed, tired, headachy, and relaxed yet energized. I am a hodge-podge
Work has been super busy, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. I like to be kept busy, but when I hit the ground running and don't stop until quitting time, well...not sure I like that so much. Sounds a bit like I'm whining, doesn't it? I should be grateful for a job...and I am...but lets slow it down just a smidge, shall we?
I recently put on post on my blog regarding "time stealing"...and it resulted in a bit of ..shall we say..flack. I've never made a secret of the fact that what is on my mind tends to come out my mouth. I have a faulty filter. I know this. If you read my blog, you'll know that I state it as it is most of the time. I have a right to express my opinion and feelings, and I will do so when I want and how I want. If you don't like it, don't read my blog. Pure and simple.
My nephew Blaine was in S. Korea for the Special Olympics World Winter Games as a snowshoeing racer in the 200m, 4x400m Relay, and individual 400m. He came home with a Silver in the 200m with a winning time of 0:37.2 seconds. Freaking Awesome. His relay team came away with 4th place, and he came home with a 7th place ribbon in his individual 400m race. We had his welcome home reception today from 1-5pm...in a blizzard. Yep. The weather gods were NOT in our favor today. However, those that braved the weather and showed up today were awesome! Thank you so Very much!.
If you haven't been following Blaine's Olympic Journey on Facebook, you're a minority it seems. As of tonight, we're at 1,531 Likes. Freakin Awesome! it started out a small little page on Christmas Eve with a request for 100 likes by midnight. We had 200. It took off like wild fire when Blaine headed for Korea. Blaine's fan base is totally awesome. But then, look at Blaine himself. I swell with pride whenever I think about what he has accomplished in his life.
He goes back to work tomorrow and returns to the gym at 6:30pm to work out with his trainer. He never stops. He has a goal in mind and he's going to work towards it. For now, Blaine's Olympic Journey will become idle... but don't "Unlike" it...you never know when Blaine will embark on his Next Olympic Journey.
So tonight, I'm sitting her in a blizzard, watching the Grammy's and writing about a hodge podge of things on my mind. I'm a bit scattered, overwhelmed, proud, teary-eyed, tired, headachy, and relaxed yet energized. I am a hodge-podge
Sunday, February 3, 2013
I'm sitting here today quite emotional. I've been on the brink of tears all morning long.
The reason for those tears? My nephew Blaine.
You see, the love that swells up inside me whenever I think of this young man brings me to my knees.
He's on his journey through this life and he's beating all the odds.
He's EMH - Educable Mentally Handicapped. Or at least that's the label that was affixed to him when he was young.
But Blaine (and his parents) threw that label to the ground and stomped on it. His parents decided long ago that the label of handicapped wasn't going to be a crutch or an excuse. They treated him as if there was nothing wrong with Blaine. And really, there wasn't. Oh sure, he may have learned things at a slower pace, isn't so good deciphering time or money, and has difficulty staying on task. It didn't matter to them, to him, or any of the rest of us.
Still doesn't.
When anyone looks at Blaine, they don't see the handicap or disability...they see ABILITY, because that is what Blaine has taken from what has been God Given to him...ability.
My mother once asked, "What was Blaine's station in life going to be?"
I know the answer to that Mom. "To inspire"
The reason for those tears? My nephew Blaine.
You see, the love that swells up inside me whenever I think of this young man brings me to my knees.
He's on his journey through this life and he's beating all the odds.
He's EMH - Educable Mentally Handicapped. Or at least that's the label that was affixed to him when he was young.
But Blaine (and his parents) threw that label to the ground and stomped on it. His parents decided long ago that the label of handicapped wasn't going to be a crutch or an excuse. They treated him as if there was nothing wrong with Blaine. And really, there wasn't. Oh sure, he may have learned things at a slower pace, isn't so good deciphering time or money, and has difficulty staying on task. It didn't matter to them, to him, or any of the rest of us.
Still doesn't.
When anyone looks at Blaine, they don't see the handicap or disability...they see ABILITY, because that is what Blaine has taken from what has been God Given to him...ability.
My mother once asked, "What was Blaine's station in life going to be?"
I know the answer to that Mom. "To inspire"
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