I've been released...

Now, I Know some of you jumped right to the conclusion that I've been released from the "funny farm."  Funny peoples!

No, my physical therapist released me from his care for a week "or so" to let me go it alone and to see how it feels.  If I feel I need his services after a couple of weeks, then I can call and get back on his schedule.  Otherwise, I'm on my own.  Yay!!!!

However, his exact words as I was walking out the door were, "try and restrain yourself."   What??!!   Ok, ok.  I'm busted!   I have to admit that I was doing an internal happy dance and thinking yes...I can do cardio now and start running.  

Nope.  I'm back to square one in EVERYTHING I'm doing.  I am to WALK at 3.5 mph every time I hit the treadmill and increase my time by one minute as I do so.  When I can comfortably WALK for two miles without pain or discomfort, then I can ramp up to a whopping 3.6 mph.  Oh my god, this is going to kill me!   (Quit laughing Running Mentor!!!)

I'm under strict instructions to: 
Stretch, stretch, stretch and
Massage, Massage, Massage. 

I can handle those cuz they feel good.  I also know that taking it slow is the answer.  Going fast is what got me here in the first place. 

 Soooo, all you blog stalkers out there....if'n you see me running...rat me out to someone, anyone...so that I knock it off and get back on plan.

I am also on to my 9th...yesss....9th trainer!

I'm very, very frustrated with UBF right now.  I upped my contract from 4 to 6 times per month on the condition that trainer   #8 was going to stick around.  Not so much.

Bye bye Danny....Hello Jarad!   (insert heavy sigh here).

As frustrated as I am, it's ot Jarad's fault.  I met with him last week to talk about scheduling, status of my fitness, what my goals are and how we can achieve him.  He's good, and I like him.  He was straight up with me and told me that he's going to be married in August and that he would be leaving. 

My contract is up in August.  I told him straight up that I would NOT be renewing my training contract.  He totally understood.  Again, it's nothing personal with him.  The UBF need to quit hiring young college kids who graduate and move away.  Hmmmm, maybe I should go to school to be a fitness trainer??  Nahhhhh....  maybe??....nahhhhhhh.   lol  I need health insurance!

So I met with him for a training session at 7:30pm on Thursday night.  Yes, that is the time slot that I've been awarded (due to his schedule being freakishly busy).  And I am literally...back at square one with him also.   His words are:  "Until I know how you're doing with your injury and what your fitness level is, I am not going to push you until I'm comfortable you can handle it." 

 Handle it.   I looked around to see who he was talking to.  "You talkin to me?"

 I promptly told him the philosphy of me: 

1)  I didn't get where I am just to "handle it."
2) I push myself ...hard...but I also know my own body and will back off when I need to. (Ok, running being the exception - I pushed a little too fast on that one)
3) Trust me to always...I repeat..ALWAYS do whatever you give me to do.  
4) I'll try anything....BUT
5) Refer back to #2
6)  You give 100% and I'll give you 110%

He understood and gave me feed back.  "We've got some work to do in the next 7 months then, don't we?" 



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