I was invited to an office (company) Christmas party last night by my friend, Becky.
Background History on my friendship with Becky: Becky and I have known each other 16 years now. She first started working for me in my Crop Insurance Agency/Processing Center. When our company was purchased and the new company decided to close my office down, she eventually went to work for Rough Rider Industries (JRCC). She informed me of a job in the JRCC administrative offices to which I applied. I've been working there since. In October, Becky left employment with RRI/JRCC to work at First Community Credit Union (Administrative Offices) as a Credit Analyst.
Thus, the Christmas Party that I was invited to last night.
It was actually quite fun, as my sister also works for FCCU (payroll, HR dept.). Becky and I kept it a secret that I was going to be there, so the look on my sister's face was priceless. I assured her that I wasn't there to keep an eye on her or put a damper on her fun (like I could even try!).
Anyways, the differences between DOCR (Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation) parties and the FCCU Christmas parties are in sharp contrast to each other.
Meals are paid for both employee and guest.
Meal selection: Prime Rib, Talpia, Champagne Chicken
Drink Tickets (2) each person.
Free "Do it Yourself" Photobooth
$25 Gift Cards to every employee to places such as Applebees, Starbucks, etc.
Grand Prizes of: $300 (My sister won!), $200, and $100.
A Band!
AND...every employee received a Kindle Fire. (It was apparently a milestone year for them and they hit a goal, so the board of directors reward their employeess for their hard work).
Anyone who travels over 10 miles to come to the party gets a motel room paid for if they want it.
If you take a taxi home, it's paid for.
Employee Meal is paid for, guest must pay $10.00
Meal Selection: Chicken, Beef, and other standard buffet fare.
$10 gifts or prizes to those whose names are drawn.
A "Thank You for all that you do" is given.
Did I mention, that most of this is provided by the funds that we the employees raised through through Jeans Day throughout the year, Flag Football League, Dodge ball Tournaments, etc.
The Christmas Party I attended last night was amazing. I'd forgotten what Christmas parties in the private sector could be like. Of course, it is a banking institution so money is readily available to throw an event such as this.
The DOCR/JRCC Christmas Party is sparse in funds and we get what is afforded. This may very well be the last year that we have a group/facility Christmas party, I don't know. If it goes to individual shift parties next year, I'm just saying this to any shift workers out there that may be reading this:
IF I do not get invited to your shift parties next year, I'm gonna hurt someone. AND you can forget about me supplying free candy and chocolate in my office ever again. EVER! Just sayin! :)
What I do know is this: The DOCR/JRCC employees work their asses off 24/7 - 365 days a year to keep society safe from the likes of the inmates that grace our facility. It takes a special breed of person to report to work every day and work with these individuals (inmates). It's not pretty folks. What happens behind those fences is down right nasty.
So yeah, we may not have a lot of "frills" and "fluff" to our Christmas Party, but by God - those of us who attend sure make the most of it. We work hard, but dammit, we play hard too! The FCCU has nothing over on us where FUN is concerned.
My daddy always said "If you have a State Job, you've got the moon." Maybe those words is what has kept me working with the State all these years, cuz my Dad was a pretty wise man. But I'm pretty sure its the PEOPLE working the state job that have kept me at
JRCC for this long. It's my home. I have a work family that is second to none, and I'm damn proud to work with all of them.
Our party happens on January 11th. It'll be more like a Charlie Brown Christmas Party, but I'm pretty damn sure we'll blow the roof off the place!