Thursday, June 28, 2012

Shall we start training?

It seems that the older I get (keep in mind that I am NOT old, just getting older), I come up with some hairbrained ideas.  Some would say that comes with age.  I prefer to think of it as reliving my youth with more purpose than I had back then! 

So, I've joined the ranks of the so called "runners," although I do not know if what I do can technically be called running.  My trainer, Jayme, says I'm an interval runner.  Whatever.   I'm a Virgo.  In my head, (remember, I'm a perfectionistic procrastinator - see past posts for definition!),  a runner...RUNS.   I do the walk/run thing.  No, that's not true.  I'm doing the RUN/walk thing, cuz now I'm doing more running than I am walking.  So technically, If I were to listen to those around me, I am becoming a runner.  Not there yet, but I'm getting there!  Did you follow that everyone??  LOL

So, I've started a page at the top of this blog called "Vision Quest".  It's an attempt to start logging my training towards the 5K's that I want to run.  I've begun the training process.  Already I'm thinking, "what WAS I thinking!"

So, here it is in writing:  (If it's in writing, it happens!)  

Monday - Xtrain (yoga)
Tuesday - Workouts w/Jayme and runs (of training program specified lengths)
Wednesday - Xtrain (yoga)
Thursday - Workouts w/Jayme and runs (of training program specified lengths)
Friday - Off
Saturday - Run (of training program specified length)
Sunday - Run (of training program specified length)

I won't be alone in the training process.  My buddy, Blaine Schulz, was just notified that he will be attending the Special Olympic World Winter Games in South Korea in late January/early February in the sport of Snowshoeing!  He's the lone athlete from ND AND the only male athlete in the US delegation.  To say that he is floating on cloud nine is an understatement.  He stopped up to see me today and said, "I have to start training now too Aunt Sherry...maybe we can train together and help each other out."  Now how can I refuse a workout partner like that?? 

He's gonna take it slow for now though because he's still rehabing his ankle, but I'm pretty sure that when he's given the green light from the doctor and the physical therapist, he'll be at full throttle! 

Shall we start training??

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