Thursday, June 28, 2012
Shall we start training?
So, I've joined the ranks of the so called "runners," although I do not know if what I do can technically be called running. My trainer, Jayme, says I'm an interval runner. Whatever. I'm a Virgo. In my head, (remember, I'm a perfectionistic procrastinator - see past posts for definition!), a runner...RUNS. I do the walk/run thing. No, that's not true. I'm doing the RUN/walk thing, cuz now I'm doing more running than I am walking. So technically, If I were to listen to those around me, I am becoming a runner. Not there yet, but I'm getting there! Did you follow that everyone?? LOL
So, I've started a page at the top of this blog called "Vision Quest". It's an attempt to start logging my training towards the 5K's that I want to run. I've begun the training process. Already I'm thinking, "what WAS I thinking!"
So, here it is in writing: (If it's in writing, it happens!)
Monday - Xtrain (yoga)
Tuesday - Workouts w/Jayme and runs (of training program specified lengths)
Wednesday - Xtrain (yoga)
Thursday - Workouts w/Jayme and runs (of training program specified lengths)
Friday - Off
Saturday - Run (of training program specified length)
Sunday - Run (of training program specified length)
I won't be alone in the training process. My buddy, Blaine Schulz, was just notified that he will be attending the Special Olympic World Winter Games in South Korea in late January/early February in the sport of Snowshoeing! He's the lone athlete from ND AND the only male athlete in the US delegation. To say that he is floating on cloud nine is an understatement. He stopped up to see me today and said, "I have to start training now too Aunt Sherry...maybe we can train together and help each other out." Now how can I refuse a workout partner like that??
He's gonna take it slow for now though because he's still rehabing his ankle, but I'm pretty sure that when he's given the green light from the doctor and the physical therapist, he'll be at full throttle!
Shall we start training??
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day
He had a quiet, gentle way about him that made everyone at ease. He loved to smile, to laugh, to joke around and have fun. He worked hard, but played harder.
My daddy taught me these lessons of life that I will never, ever forget and try to live by each day:
- Family is the most important thing in this world. Do whatever it takes to keep the bonds strong.
- Work Hard. Be responsible, get your work done first.. then play.
- Love. Pure and simple.
- Make it count...whatever you do, wherever you go, make the moment count so that you don't have any regrets in life.
- Treat others with kindness and respect and you'll get it back tenfold.
- Give second chances to those deserving of it but don't give third chances.
- If you're going to say something negative about someone, make sure you have your fact straight. Don't judge, don't gossip. It's someones life your messing with. Everyone is fighting their own battle and they don't need you to add to their burdens.
- Even when life is lived simply, you're rich. It's the small things in life that count the most.
- It's never too late to learn new things. My daddy learned to paint (self taught) when he was in his late 40's, wood carved, and played the banjo in his 50's.
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My Daddy, the greatest man I ever knew! Love you Dad! |
Life Was Simple Back Then.
We didn't have a lot of money and didn't live extravagantly or "high off the hog" as my daddy would say. But we lived comfortably. Daddy was a farmer who was in the field from sun up to sundown working the land and providing for his family. He worked hard, but played hard when the work was done.
Summer was always a magical time around the farm. From the moment the sun came up our house came alive. Breakfast, chores, cleaning, gardening, cooking, mending, and plenty of time for laughter and love.
In the summer, my youth was spent pretty much barefoot and sun kissed. I don't think I wore a pair of shoes in the summer time; I loved the feeling of the earth under the soles of my feet - I felt free. And lordy did I bellyache if I had to put on a pair for some reason. Mom, of course, would scold me - but she always had a smile when she did it.
And the sun! If it was up, I was out enjoying it. I didn't slather on sunscreen back then - still don't for that matter. I loved the warmth on my skin, the golden glow I'd get and the way my freckles would pop out on the bridge of my nose and cheeks. My usual summer attire was a swimsuit top and a pair of shorts and hair pulled up in a top-knot and smelling like baby oil (gotta moisturize the tan, you know!)
Sometimes I'd take a blanket out on the lawn and read a book (I loved romance stories and the way I could travel to far away lands without leaving my slice of heaven), sipping on a tall glass of mom's famous sweet tea. One of my favorite things to do was to lay with my dog Sneaky and watch the fluffy white clouds drift across the summer sky. My head would lay on Sneakys tummy and we'd lay like that for hours, trying to figure out what shapes the clouds were (sometimes an elephant, a cat, monkey, or even a flower). More often than not I'd fall asleep. But that's alright, I was with my sidekick best friend, my dog Sneaky. Mom said that she never worried about me, cuz he was my protector.
As much as I loved the sunshine and being out in it, the nights were my favorite time. I had a window in my bedroom that was just a foot off the floor. When I was supposed to be sleeping, I'd be laying on blankets and pillows moved from my bed and gazing out at the night sky and the stars. I'd pick out the brightest star in the night sky and close my eyes, "Star light, Star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight."
I'd ponder the meaning of my life - at the ripe age of 10 - and hope and wish for a future as bright as the diamonds in the night sky. I would dream about the husband I'd have and kids running around my feet. Sometimes I'd dream that I was a dancer or a singer making it big in Hollywood, or sometimes I'd just wonder what the world was like "out there" under that big, dark, beautiful night sky. I had no idea what my life was going to be like, but when I was 10 and star gazing, the possibilities were endless.
Barefoot, sunkissed and full of hope.
Life was simple back then.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Let It Fly
Spent a great day at the kite festival yesterday.
The sun was shining, there was an awesome breeze for the kites to fly, great tunes hitting the air waves and fantastic kites dancing in the sky. It was amazing.
There is a group called I80-Go! That does synchronized kite routines to music. They're show is fun to watch. Very fun and energetic. I had the opportunity to visit with one of the men of the group. He was very knowledgeable when I quizzed him about kites, the group, etc. He even let me fly his kite! ! (With his assistance of course). Wow! Was that freaking awesome.
I even got to spend some time visiting with super friends.
It was a GREAT day to let it fly!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Am I Cracked?
Apparently I've had a melt down in brain function. I've committed ..verbally and in do a 5K in October.
I don't back down from commitments once made. I already have a run that I owe a friend and it's bothering me that I haven't honored that verbal agreement. Although, a time frame wasn't really established! Lol
So, I've been looking at training plans. Eight weeks, five weeks, twelve minutes or miles, do a combination of run/walk. I'm sooo confused!!
The one thing for sure is this...I'll cross the finish line come hell or high water! Cuz that's how I roll! Lol
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Let me check my calendar
How should I know??! I'm meticulous about what I'm at work and when I teach yoga, but don't expect me to remember off the top of my head what I'm doing in six months, on a weekend, at precisely 2:00pm.
So...I've become a slave to my handy, dandy, trusty calendar...on my Droid.
Yes, it's pathetic. I admit it, and I am NOT proud of this revelation.
I dash for my purse with a sinking feeling in my heart. I slide the screen open to reveal my calendar and select the correct one (yes, I have TWO for personal appointments and one for my business) and quickly find that in six months I'm doing exactly.... nothing. Damn!
I mark the date, make an appointment, set the reminders; one for the event itself and another to buy a gift. Yes, this is going to require shelling out some cash! I then forget all about this all important event until all kinds of bells and whistles alert me 48 hours before the event, that I MUST attend lil johnnie's birthday party at the local pool. Oh joy!.
When did I become so dependent on technology!! I don't even wear a wristwatch anymore for crissakes! Nope, I grab my phone when I want to find out the time.
Am I one of those people that check my phone often throughout the day just to see if I've gotten any new messages, phone calls, or emails? Yep. Guilty as charged.
Do I panic when my green bars turn orange. You better believe it buster!
Have I been known to be late for work because I couldn't leave home without finding my phone? Hangs head in remorse
Do I feel loved and appreciated when someone sends me a txt message, even if it is a payment reminder to pay my cellular bill? Yeppers!
Can I effectively answer your question on what I'm doing on the 12th of never? In a freakin hearbeat, ...just let me check my calendar!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Dumb Brunette
"The reason, Ms Schutt, that your car door on the rear passenger drivrrs side, won't open isn't because of a faulty locking mechanism. It's because the child safety key/latch is active."
No more need be said.
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