Tunes to Rock Out

We all have them.... those certain songs that get is in the mood to rock out.  I was cruising Itunes and YouTube last night and found "Sweet Child Of Mine" by Guns -N-Roses.   Yep!  There I was at midnight jamming out to the song with my headphones on.   I was tempted to sing it like I was a rock star but figured better not at that time of the night...hubs  would NOT have appreciated it.

Now, I know I'm going to date myself a little bit here...but  they just DO NOT make music like that anymore!  I mean..c'mon...really?  Justin Beieber??  That's bubblegum chewing rock music.  I'm talking REAL rock music like Led Zepplin, ZZ Top, ELO, Bachman Turner Overdrive,  Foghat AC/DC, JOURNEY (my all time favorite, if you didn't already know it!), Aeroesmith, The Stones.   THAT"S what I'm talking about!!  Something you can get you groove on with.  I can't really do that to Justin Bieber. 

So you can pretty much guess what's on my ipod play list when I wanna get in the mood - and by in the mood I mean ROCKIN GOOD TIME mood.  

I went to a wedding dance a few weeks ago and the DJ played some really nice music...people danced, it was all good.  But the party didn't really start until he played the classics that I mentioned above.  Then you shoulda seen the place jumpin.  Yes, yours truly had "happy feet". ~L~

So, don't give me no rap, R & B, and no bubblegum music!  Give me something that I can sink my teeth into and move my feet to.  Give me the good ole rock and roll music!


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