
Showing posts from September, 2011

Can we talk about this?

Hmmm...that would be a ..NO?   Ever had someone start out a conversation with "Can we talk?" and the first thing that comes to your mind is, "OH crap!"  Ya, me too.  Hate it when that happens. As you're listening to the person begin their conversation, your mind wanders off to all the possibilities of what "could be wrong." You're so wrapped up in your personal mind conversation that you aren't even listening to them speak...that is, until you hear the words, "so you're ok with it then?"  Ya....that would be "Oh crap" moment #2.  What do you say.  Yes? without being totally aware of what you are agreeing to?  I urge you to rethinkg your strategy!  I mean, seriously!  You could've just agreed to donate your left kidney to someone's Uncle Bob who smokes three paks of cigs a day, has three teeth in his mouth (and two of them are crooked), and can't see his feet cuz his tummy hangs to his knees. ...


Can we take a few moments to  It's become a serious problem for me.  I think I need to find me a twelve-step program to overcome my frustration and anger when it comes to the game.  I mean...really!....I'm a pretty calm, cool, collected person.  I am...99.9 % of the time.  Except on Sundays!  Well..OK..weekends in general...cuz college football is driving me crazy too! Let's get things rolling with the Vikings, shall we?  Let's see....three games played, three games they were ahead in the first half and three games they lost it in the second half. Now, I can't help but wonder that if anyone...and I mean anyone... on that team felt that the second half was just as important as the first half...that maybe, just MAYBE the Vikings would be 3-0 rather than 0-3.   I'm getting a little verklempt here so I best move on or I'm gonna have a stroke. Now...on to college football.  My beloved Jimmies (yes Casey, tha...


What happened to all the sunshine and warm temperatures??   I know the Autumn equinox is a few days away.  I shouldn't be all that surprised that the weather is taking a turn for the ugly side.  I can, however, wish for a reprieve and a return of warm(er) weather and sunshine.  Can't I?  :) I received an email from a friend on my birthday stating that they keep up on what's going on with me through my blog.  I realized that..hmmm...perhaps I need to do more posting on my blog.  It's been hard with my schedule coupled with the nice weather.  But now that it's dark earlier and I'm forced indoors, I'm hoping to be more present in both of my blogs.  (Keeping fingers crossed). So, what's new with me??  Well, as you probably read in earlier posts, I turned 49 on September 9th.  Do I feel 49?  Heck no!   Do I act 49?  Heck no!   Do I look 49?  I'm trying like hell not to! ~L~   I've said it before and...

Its the new 29!

I turned 49 yesterday.  Uh-huh.  Staring 50 square in the eyes.  But you know what?  I'm not really all that concerned.  I've decided that 49 is the new 29! Why not??!!  Age is just a number anyways. I mean...really! I feel like I'm 35,been told I look like I'm 39 and I act young for my age.  I refuse to grow old just  because the calendar says I should.  I'll be old when I FEEL old.  Know what I mean?? So ya, I turned 49.  Big deal!  It's just a number to me.  What counts is how I feel.  And I feel freakin fantastic!!  Sherry PS:  If I play my cards right, this birthday thing can last ALL weekend long!  Happy Birthday to Me! ~LOL~

Tunes to Rock Out

We all have them.... those certain songs that get is in the mood to rock out.  I was cruising Itunes and YouTube last night and found "Sweet Child Of Mine" by Guns -N-Roses.   Yep!  There I was at midnight jamming out to the song with my headphones on.   I was tempted to sing it like I was a rock star but figured better not at that time of the night...hubs  would NOT have appreciated it. Now, I know I'm going to date myself a little bit here...but  they just DO NOT make music like that anymore!  I mean..c'mon...really?  Justin Beieber??  That's bubblegum chewing rock music.  I'm talking REAL rock music like Led Zepplin, ZZ Top, ELO, Bachman Turner Overdrive,  Foghat AC/DC, JOURNEY (my all time favorite, if you didn't already know it!), Aeroesmith, The Stones.   THAT"S what I'm talking about!!  Something you can get you groove on with.  I can't really do that to Justin Bieber.  So you ...