Monday, August 1, 2011

How to ruin a perfectly good day!

Get out of bed.

Realize today is Monday.

Forget that the power was out and when you reset the clocks you set them for the actual time rather than the customary 15 minutes early.

Remember that you used the last of the coffee caffein buz to kick you in to high gear.

Dash out of the house 15 minutes late.  (Refer back to previous entry)

Get a mile from home and discover that the "low air in tire" sensor light is flashing.

Get five miles from home with the "your tire is going flat" sensor light starts flashing.

Roll in to Toyota dealership just as the "you're screwed, your tire is now flat" sensor light starts flashing.

Arrive at work one hour late only to find out that the office is short staffed and you are pulling double duty.  Your work will set the whole day.'ve just ruined a perfectly good day!   :(

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