It's not procrastination...
… if you planned to do it at the last minute anyway. I LOVE this!! Those of you who know me well, know that I tend to be a "procrastinating perfectionist". If I can't do it in MY time frame, it doesn't fit in to MY time frame or I can't do it the way I want to do it, then I tend not to do it at all or delay doing it until it fits in to my world.
It's not that I'm lazy, it's just a matter of timing….MY timing!
Drives my husband crazy! He's a "getter done" type of guy. Therefore, he thinks that I should follow his lead. NOT.
I often hear, "did you remember to call so-and so?" "No, but it's on my list." (Silence).
The next day, same question. "No, it's on my list of things to do." (More silence). After the third day, he finally gets the hint and drops the subject. Smart move, because every time he asks me the question, it moves further down my on my list. Did I also mention that I'm a tad bit stubborn as well?
I prioritize my procrastination also. Anyone do that besides me? I know precisely what needs to get done last (or first) and how long it's going to take me to complete the task. Some people may say that I'm living life on the edge. I prefer to look at it as being a the ultimate "time and task manager" who "works well under pressure." Works for me! Looks good on a resume too! :)