Escape from Reality

That’s what I need…and I need it NOW!

The weather isn’t doing much for my sunny disposition.  I do yoga, and it helps tremendously, but I long for the days when I can slide my toes in to a pair of flip-flops and skip out the door, feeling the sun on my skin and knowing that when I leave home in the morning I may just actually get back home at night. (sighs).

So, I am doing everything that I can think of to escape from reality.  I take long, hot bubble baths …play soothing music, drink wine (LOTS of wine!, daydream about Bora Bora, listen to Zac Brown Band (ZBB) songs about “toes in the sand” and gaze longingly at pictures of Bora Bora a dear friend has so thoughtfully sent me via email. I know I’m not alone in my misery; every poor NoDak stuck in the frozen tundra is in the exact same boat as me. L

So, what’s new?

Wish I could say a lot, but really, it’s not all that exciting being me right now.  ~L~ 

Ooohhh Wait!! I DO have one thing to report.

I have a mouse in my vehicle!!  (shivers).  Ya....whatsup with that??!

I took my yoga mat out and found  a nice little chew mark on the end , the shape of a half-moon..along with little mouse “calling cards”…if you know what I mean! (snorts)  I was NOT amused.  Hubs, of course, said “set a mouse trap”.  Ok, sure…but how the heck did the lil devil get in there?! And how many are there?  Will one mouse trap be enough??!! Perish the thought!

So, I commence to setting the trap somewhere that I can see it every day.  (Heaven forbid I should catch a mouse and NOT see it!)  I should mention right here and now, that I made the disclaimer right away that if 1) The lil devil went dancing across my dashboard whilst I was driving or 2) The mousetrap snapped at any point during my travels from point A to B, I was NOT responsible for any traffic accidents that might be incurred!  Just sayin!!.

Every morning I load up the 4Runner, I dutifully check the trap.  Nothing. 

Every night I say a prayer that said mouse left for greener pastures (ya, I know! It’s the frozen tundra…there IS NO greener anything in sight!).  Never hurts to try though. (sighs heavily).  Little bugger is probably under my seat munching on the delectable morsels of food that I drop while eating and driving, thinking “man, this is the good life!”  Grrrrrr!

Anywho, when I catch the lil creature, you will ALL hear the shouts of glee and read all about it on this blog.

Until then, life on the frozen tundra goes on.






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