Sunday, January 9, 2011

A golden weekend!

We had a milestone in our family this week.  My sister Pat and her husband Gil celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, January 7th. 

They were given a lovely surprise celebration by their children, Lori, Randy and Shelly - which included all of Pat's immediate family (siblings and spouses), as well as Gil's sister-in-law and neice (of his deceased brother, Harry).

What a night it was!  We drank some beverages, ate some scrumpteous food, laughed, cried, and reminisced about the good ole  days and the twists and turns of Pat and Gils 50 years of marriage.  We actually closed down the Buffalo City Grille  at 10:00 pm.

My brother Ron and his wife Pearl, along with my brother Terry and his wife Marna made the trek up to Peggy's house where the party continued until the wee hours of the night.  3 AM!   Ya!!

We sat in Peggy's back room by the fireplace and took that well traveled trip down memory lane.  We argued on when the "BIG Blizzard" happened...was it 1966 or 1967?  (I saved the day and looked it up on my phone... LOVE the Android phone)....and tried to map out the city of Jamestown and where everything was located 50 years ago.  I, of course, was toooo young to remember any of this since I am the baby of the family!! (hahahahaha).

The next morning we got up and had breakfast, courtesy of Peggy....and the trip down memory lane continued with my brother Ron and Pearl, and Terry.  It was GREAT!  We had so much fun that I didn't leave until 3 in the afternoon.  Of course, it didn't help that my roads were blocked from recent winds on Friday. 

Once more, Peggy and room 408 at the Inn came through for me!  :-)

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 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...