Yep...I'm stuck at home. Have been for the last 24 hours. It's blowing, snowing, drifting and just plain miserable out! I haven't seen a car go past our house in the last 24 hours. Even if I had, I wouldn't be able to get past the 4ft snow drift across my yard to go anywhere. Hubs is over at the farm with the cattle....and believe isn't a picnic over there either. He sounds depressed and tired...can't say that I blame him! I was supposed to have yoga classes tonight, but ended up cancelling them as the prospect of 1) a snowplow coming down the road and 2) hubster getting home to clear the yard wasn't looking very promising. So, what am I doing? Updating my email contacts, doing laundry, eating, texting, chatting on facebook, eating, chasing the cat around the house, updating blogs, did I mention eating? (Oh ya...there it is...three times in fact! ~LOL~) I just packed a suitcase because I'm sure once I'm shoveled out, I'll ...