
....that's me rejoicing that I made it through "hump day" and Friday is looming ever closer. I don't like to wish time away, but I do so love my weekends! (Don't we all!).

It's been a whirlwind of a week so far, but I'm loving every minute of it. Monday started out with yours truly attending PPCT (Pressure Point Control Tactics) class for 8 hours. PPCT is a great class for self defense out in the world.....but inside a prison setting it is used to "take down" an uncooperative inmate with nothing but your bare hands.

Now, I want to remind you that I'm five foot nothing, I'm in fairly good shape, I'm limber, flexible, and really a good sport. I was looking around the room at my co-workers and thinking..."you want me to do what?" Talk about stepping outside the comfort zone. ~L~

Travis (instructor) was fantastic at explaining things in detail, and very patient with this particular desk jockey. At one point, while performing the clavical notch on a co-worker, he laughed and asked me if I was giving a massage! ~L~ And folks...do you KNOW how sensitive that area is right where your nose and lip meet? Yeah, well...have someone shove their knuckle in there and then try to scalp you with it! NOT my idea of fun! ~L~ (Darn thing STILL hurts!) BUT, I did take down someone MUCH taller and heavier than me with a sweet little tacticle move called a hmmm "straight arm bar take down"(I think - need to check my notes on that one). Hint: It's ALL in the wrist action).

The next class is next week and I'll be doing more take downs AND handcuffing. Sweet! Travis did caution me however, that I needed to bark out the orders to "back away" with much more force than I did. I believe his direct words were, "Sherry, you don't say 'hi' and shake their hands with these moves." My thoughts were, "I'm a yoga instructor for crissakes, this goes against that 'do no harm' philosphy I try to have. ~LOL~ Oh well...in a prison setting, if one is gonna get harmed, I'm gonna be the one DOING the harming and not be the "harmed". ~S~

I'm going to share some pictures with you that were taken at the Schulz Octoberfest (these were taken before we all got sick ~L~).

The dynamic six!

I'm in good company with the young ones!

My lovely nieces: Joan, Lori, & Shelly

Karen (niece) and Me... can you see a family resemblance?

The next generation!


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