
Showing posts from August, 2009


"it's all around us, all you have to do is listen." - August Rush (movie/soundtrack). I love that quote. More importantly, I love music. As I was working on yoga books, etc today, I cranked up itunes and let it run it's course through my library. I became mellow when John Waite's "Missing You" came through the speakers, rocked out when Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold" blasted through, and reflective when heart's "Dog and Butterfly" echoed through my mind. I cannot tell you how many times my mood has actually done a 180 just because a certain song plays. I can be in the deepest funk, and a song like "Footloose" can bring me out of it in a snap. The opposite is certainly true as well - as certain songs can bring me to my knees with memories of sad or tumultuous times, or bring on a smile with thoughts of treasured friends who have walked in and out of my life. I learned music at an early age from my parents. In prior blog ...

Good Morning!!!!!!!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, though a little chilly!   I can't believe how fast the week has gone.  I love the fact that the weekend is here so soon.    Today is my 1/2 day at work, and as usual, I have an afternoon loaded with appointments.  If all goes well, I'll have lunch with Blaine (nephew), and then off to pay some bills, pick up the key (to my new yoga location), hit the gym for an extended workout, and then cap it off with a massage!  Yeah!!!   Life has been going pretty good lately.  I can't complain - well, I could, but it wouldn't do any good.  ~L~  You all know how it is.     I have a ton of things to do this weekend, and one of them is Fitness Boot camp!  Yeah, I I CRAZY??  ~L~   AF is holding two Fitness Boot camps for it's members, one in the morning for "new exercisers" and another in the afternoon for "those that have been doing it for a...

I'm thinking...

that weekends just aren't long enough to accomplish everything that I need to get done, let alone everything that I want to do. I try to cram as much as I can in to 2 days, and it doesn't work. I fall in to bed exhausted and the end of each day and then I'm cranky when Monday rolls around. Go figure! ~LOL~ All in all, things in my world are going good. The weather finally turned to summer again today! (Rock on!) I was beginning to wonder if the calendar was wrong when we had those 65-degree days last week. Brrrrrr! Mother Nature is trying to fool us I think. Spent a good morning at the gym yesterday then went to lunch with two favorite peeps: Becky and my #2 guy, Blainer! Yep, we ate, we talked, we laughed, discussed the worlds problems (and our own) then proceeded to try and fix them all. ~LOL~ (The operative word there is "try"). Then home to make a cake to take to a fish fry last night. I have no clue what happened. This is supposed to be a "no fail" ...

I whimped out...

and didn't do a full workout at the gym today. I did 1/2 of it and honestly, that 1/2 still managed to wup my butt! My heart wasn't in it but I still managed to get a good workout. Yeah! I'm working really hard at getting to the gym 3-4 per week now. I'm battling that middle-age spread....if I even look at a carbohydrate I gain 10lbs! ~L~ Ok, so I'm exaggerating slightly....5lbs is more accurate. Had a good weekend - as it FINALLY rained on the ranch! Rock on! Hubs is in a MUCH better mood when it rains. We received just shy of an inch of rain which will do wonders for the crops considering that we haven't received a significant rain on our lands since the beginning of June. It's too late for a 2nd cutting hay crop, but the heat/rain is crucial for the corn crop right now. We celebrated by going to the stock car races last night. I honestly cannot remember the last time we went to the races....I *think* it was back in 88 or 89?? Far too long ago, that's ...

Just another week..

..please, that is all that I ask for. Well folks, I went through this week like a tornado on the high plains. I cannot believe that I go back to work tomorrow. I have sooooooooooo much more that I want to get done and I just know that another week of vacation would help me out. But, I also know that if I take another week, the likelihood of me walking in the doors at work would be slim to none. So, alas, I am biting the bullet and getting things ready for work tomorrow. (You know me, I like to be prepared in order to make Monday's as relatively painless as possible!). I ended up finishing only one room in the three days left since my last post. I ended up playing on Friday and going to chase parts with hubster and then crashing a family reunion of some friends of ours. So progress on the home front was nonexistent. That's alright, I hit it hard yesterday though. That means TWO rooms left in the house; I forsee them getting done in the next two weekends. That is th...

It's been a while...

since my last post here in the great blogosphere. Not for lack of content, I might add, but due to an extremely busy life. I'm not complaining or offering up excuses, just explaining my lack of philosophical wisdom and intellectual wit. Now, I'm done blowing smoke up your skirts so you can relax! ~L~ I'm on a vacation this week. Yeah! I wake up with gusto and hurridly search for the ever growing "to do" list that I've been compiling for the last month. The list of things to do "if I ever get more than just a weekend" list. Monday morning hits and I jump out of bed at the crack of dawn, jump in to my workout clothes and head for the gym cuz "gosh darnnit, I can workout and get it over with for the day." It proved to be a good thing cuz I woke up a little bit on the "blue" side. Why? Hell if I know...might be hormones, might be feeling defeated by the "to do" list that hasn't even gotten one thing checked off...