"it's all around us, all you have to do is listen." - August Rush (movie/soundtrack). I love that quote. More importantly, I love music. As I was working on yoga books, etc today, I cranked up itunes and let it run it's course through my library. I became mellow when John Waite's "Missing You" came through the speakers, rocked out when Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold" blasted through, and reflective when heart's "Dog and Butterfly" echoed through my mind. I cannot tell you how many times my mood has actually done a 180 just because a certain song plays. I can be in the deepest funk, and a song like "Footloose" can bring me out of it in a snap. The opposite is certainly true as well - as certain songs can bring me to my knees with memories of sad or tumultuous times, or bring on a smile with thoughts of treasured friends who have walked in and out of my life. I learned music at an early age from my parents. In prior blog ...