and thank God it wasn't.
After getting home from a great weekend away from the ranch (with hubster), I received a phone call from my sister-in-law stating that someone had some news to tell me and they wanted me to hear it from them and not a co-worker of mine.
Blaine gets on the phone and says, "I rolled the 4-wheeler Sherry." Oh my God! My heart went to my toes as he relayed how he was downshifting to turn on to the gravel driveway of his parents house, and he rolled the 4-wheeler. (Shivers still run up my spine just typing this!).
I immediately asked him if he was wearing his helmet (he religiously wears one when riding his scooter) and he said "no, I wasn't." When asked if anything was broken, he said "no" and said, "here, talk to mom." That wasn't a typical Blaine reaction, so I knew he wasn't feeling so hot.
Marna got on the phone and proceeded to tell me the events leading up to - and after- the accident. She said that his hip is bruised badly, scraped knees, arms and hands, but nothing broken. He received a note from the ER physician excusing him from work today, and was given some pain pills to lessen the pain.
I cannot wait to see him and wrap him in a big hug........
Thank GOD the angels were looking out for my Blainer. I couldn't stand the thought of losing him from my life!