
Showing posts from July, 2009

It could have been worse...

and thank God it wasn't.     After getting home from a great weekend away from the ranch (with hubster), I received a phone call from my sister-in-law stating that someone had some news to tell me and they wanted me to hear it from them and not a co-worker of mine.    Blaine gets on the phone and says, "I rolled the 4-wheeler Sherry."   Oh my God!   My heart went to my toes as he relayed how he was downshifting to turn on to the gravel driveway of his parents house, and he rolled the 4-wheeler.   (Shivers still run up my spine just typing this!).     I immediately asked him if he was wearing his helmet (he religiously wears one when riding his scooter) and he said "no, I wasn't."   When asked if anything was broken, he said "no" and said, "here, talk to mom."   That wasn't a typical Blaine reaction, so I knew he wasn't feeling so hot.   Marna got on the phone and proceeded t...

My lucky day....

I get to have lunch with my guy, Blaine!   The day just went from great to fantabulous!!!!  I've said it before, and I'll continue to say's impossible to have a bad day when you are in the presence of Blaine.  :-)   What is going on in my world today?  Not a whole lot.  Had a fabulous workout with Levi last night that is carrying through to today - really feeling good about the progress that I am making.  (Lisa, if you are reading this - I may just start training for the 1/2 Marathon!  Doesn't mean I'll run it, but can train for it! ~S~)  Although the scale doesn't show that I've lost a pound, I feel like a million dollars - so that in of itself is worth it!   (Must be building muscle! Yeah....sounds good to me!)   We can't beg a drop of rain around here - and things are looking mighty poor around the homestead.  The only saving grace is that we aren't getting the 90-100 temps that would defin...


kinda groovy today! I love weekends so much and enjoy being able to do things without a "schedule." Monday - Friday is all about schedule with me. I have a calendar that has become my constant companion and I neurotically "check" things off one appointment at a time to make sure everything gets done. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm farrrrrrr from overloaded, but I need that sense of direction to keep me going day after day. However, I've become a slave to the calendar as well. If it's not actually ON my calendar, then it 1) doesn't get done or 2) didn't/isn't going to happen or 3) what is on the calendar takes priority over the fun and spontaneous side of my life. It's that magical trade off I think - order in one's life vs. spontaneity. ~L~ Anyways, it's been a good day today and I'm looking forward to the upcoming week. I don't know why as I usually dread going back to work.

A Difficult Day

I don't have them often, but when I do they seem to pack a punch.   I'm normally a very upbeat, optimistic, "glass is half full" type of gal, but every once in a while the clouds close out the sun and my parade gets rained on.   I deal with negativity on a daily basis at work.    It's hard to find a little good news when working with incarcerated individuals and their families.  The perpetual con game is played out every minute of the day.   Families play the sympathy card when they can and sometimes it's not all that difficult to see why the apple didn't fall far from the tree.  Am I being cynical? Perhaps.    Then tack on the pressures of dealing with staff who are burnt out from dealing with inmates - or just plain burnt out from all the political b.s.  We, unfortunately, do not get one ounce of recognition for what we are trying to do in the facility. We have to lea...

A fun filled weekend!

My goodness! How much more could be crammed in to one weekend! It all started Friday. I was able to leave work a little early, so hit the gym for a quick 30 minute workout before heading home to gussy up for the rodeo! Yes, the rodeo was in town and hubster and I had reserve seats to a great show. We always donate money to the local rodeo association and they are gracious enough to send us tickets for both performances. It was a lovely evening to be outside and watch the horseman/horsewoman astride their horses (a lot of beautiful horseflesh!). Blaine found us and sat with us through most of the performance, then we hit the midway for our customary footlong hotdog and a listen to the Roosters.(Great, great entertainment). Saturday started out in a panic as I overslept! ~L~ But once the cobwebs cleared from my brain, I hit the floor running and got everything ready for the Schulz Family Picnic. It was a lot of fun although many family members couldn't make it back (Klost...

My aching body!

You know, every once in a while our bodies have a way of reminding us exactly who is in charge!      In my mind, I feel like I'm 30.  But today, my body is reminding me that 30 is long gone and I'm staring 50 square in the face! ~L~   I spent almost 2 hours with my trainer, Levi, last night.    He greets me with a huge grin on his face and proceeds to tell me, "I"m not going to change much on your program, just a few things.   You'll be able to handle it - I'm positive."     Uh, huh!!     Five minutes in to the session, I was gasping for air and crawling to the nearest water fountain.     I am proud however, that I did handle it - last night!      Getting out of bed this morning was another story!!   I almost had to crawl to the bathroom, my legs hurt so bad.  ~L~    Yes, my body was definitely telling me who was in ...

Prayers for Healing and Life

I have learned that a young man (co-worker) had a rather serious motorcycle accident on his way to work this morning.  He was transported to a larger hospital for what is reported to be skull fractures and neck fractures.     Please keep Shad and his family in your prayers.         

Welcome to July 1st!

    I cannot hardly believe that we are in July already!  It seems like the spring took so long to get here, and now were in to the middle of July.     It seems that the time flies by all to quickly these days.  Life is busy and getting busier with each passing day.  Not that I'm complaining.  I believe that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  There will be plenty of time to be old and stationary when.....  I am old and stationary! ~LOL~     Don't plan on that happening any time soon!   I enjoyed a lovely evening last night with ladies from my yoga class.  Due to scheduling, we had a "free night" last night.  It was proposed last Thursday that we go out an enjoy a "real" happy hour - which we did!   It was so wonderful to sit and relax and get to know them a little better outside of class.  They are truly lovely spirits and I'm so glad that our paths have crosse...