Saturday, July 5, 2008

Oh What A Night!!

July 4th, 2008 will go down as a night to remember for me. My nephew, Randy, who is 4 years younger than me, had a rockin party last night. Randy wed his beautiful bride Sherry in January of 2008. Since then, they've been planning this party to celebrate the occasion.

Festivities started at 4 pm in the afternoon, though "T" and I were not able to make it any earlier than 5:30pm (ranch duties prevailed). My sister Pat and brother-in-law Gil had their lawn manicured beautifully and there wasn't a bug or mosquito to be seen! More importantly, the weather was absolutely fabulous! All of my siblings were there and we were missing only two of my nephews.

Pat and Gil were owners of a bar and they know their stuff! They had 3 kegs of beer, 4 or 5 different types of wine, not to mention liquor for mixed drinks. The weather was warm and the drinks went down real well - too well actually (judging by the pounding of my head this morning!) I might also mention that the food (brats and burgers, potato salad and baked beans) were awesome! Kudos to the caterer!

Music was playing in the background as everyone mingled and chatted. At 10pm (or dusk) they started the fireworks display. They were truly spectacular and dare I say, better than some of the displays my town has put on in the past. With the patriotic music playing in the background (the DJ was equally outstanding) while the gentle breeze stirred the night air, the fireworks lit up the night sky and warmed me to the core - (or it could have been that last beer....I dunno! ~ha~).

Anyway - Randy and Sherry - congratulations on your marriage. Sherry, welcome to the family. Remember, I'm known as Sherry 1 cuz I was here first! ~S~ (We spell it the same - first and middle names - we were both born in September, and we're the same height!)

And...thank you for a wonderful 4th of July celebration! I had a truly outstanding time!

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