Monday, April 24, 2023

Lots of Stuff

To say last week was a shit show is an understatement.   Where to start....

I hurt my back and couldn't sit, stand, walk or ya, that was fun!

Then, my 76 yr old yoga student (who's been with me for 20 years) fell backwards from a standing pose. An ambulance ride to the ER to learn she had a skull fracture and subderal hematoma.  Ya, I won't forget that anytime soon!

The bright spot is our snow is melted (pretty much), I took my Christmas decorations down (finally) and my best friend is in a new relationship and enjoying life again.

What's on my agenda this week?  Throw myself back in to the gym and teaching yoga.  My back is feeling 98% better but I'll still need to take care of it a bit. I'll be taking my bike in for a safety check because this girl has some serious riding to do this year.  

Friday, April 14, 2023

25 years

It's rare that anyone stays at a job for 25 years. It's even more rare for someone with a mental handicap.  My 42 yr old nephew, Blaine, celebrated 25 years with Wal-Mart yesterday!  Quite an accomplishment I'd say! 👏 

There is no one more proud than Blaine himself.  He is 100% self supporting in that he lives alone, pays his bills, has a savings and a 401K, plus is active in Special Olympics and the University of Jamestown sports program.  
Does it take a village? Yep! Does he have limitations in understanding time, money, task, and exhibit poor impulse control at times? Again, yes.  Does he have a malicious bone in his body? NO.  Does he want to be loved, appreciated and valued as a person?  Yes!  Probably more so because of his handicap.   But, tell me this.....why is he any different than you or me? (other than his handicap, ie 14 yr old intellectual age).
I'm close to Blaine.  Do I hold him accountable for his actions? Sure do! Do I love him unconditionally? I would any member of my family.
I'm so proud of Blaine!


Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Do you have a best friend? 
You should!
My best friend knows me better than I know myself. In my silence, they check in with a "what's up? Talk to me!" text.  
In my elation or uber annoying times, they tell me to shut up!  It's how we roll.  

We're painfully honest with each other but don't hold it against each other. When they sit me down and tell me something I need to hear, no matter how painful it may be, I know it is coming from a place of love. 

We laugh, cry, support each other and have each other's backs.

They're my 3am friends...the ones I can call when life is messy, no matter the time or day.

My life is better with them in it! They know who they are, they know they're in my life so resistence is futile! #pinkyswear

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Well Shit!

Stupid ND weather!  Who knew that we'd experience two back to back storms, one of the on the day we were to fly to AZ?!  My traveling companions didn't want to reschedule so we opted for a travel voucher to go another time (we luckily had trip insurance).  I was bummed. Several friends were pushing me to go anyway without the other two.  I could have but it wouldn't have felt right ...I  couldn't be selfish like that and do that to them.   I've always been a Trust the Timing kind of gal and there was some reason (other than weather) why we weren't supposed to be there.  

Instead, I ticked off a couple of major cleaning projects instead.  I won't have those hanging over my head when Spring finally does arrive.  When it's time to be outside, that is where I'll be, digging in the dirt, biking, reading, sipping wine and chilling. 
Until then, I'm catching up on some minor things (cleaning out my sock drawer!), reading, journaling and watching Netflix (you have to check out The Night Agent!).  

Two sleeps left of my vacation then it's back to work.  Not the vacation I had planned, but I'm relaxed, recharged and ready to get back to a routine.  
Happy Easter 🐣 

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...