Sunday, March 26, 2023

Six sleeps and a Wakeup

...until I get out of the frozen northland and fly to sunny Arizona. I cannot wait!  To say my mental health has taken a nosedive recently is an understatement.  I'm over it.

So a full week in AZ visiting my friend Donna ...along with friends Ginny and Vicki are exactly what I need.  Hopefully we won't run in to any travel issues.  We are headed to the Renaissance Fair on Sunday then a day at the arboretum, Santan Flats and the Flea Market.  Other than those planned trips, everything is going to be winging it. Personally I'm looking forward to hanging out on her patio, drinking wine, visiting and soaking up the sun.

Friday, March 24, 2023


There are times in life that are pivotal and you know that life will never be the same ever again.
I've had two such days in my life.  One was eight years ago, the other was today.  Both days were a result of my choice to do the right thing.  Both hurt like hell. 
I  will forever Believe that everything happens for a reason.  The Universe brings things or people to us for a multitude of reasons....a lifetime, a lesson to be learned or a season.  
I do not know what this lesson is teaching me right now, all I can do is ask the Universe for grace and to guide me as I navigate through my thoughts.
I  Will Forever BELIEVE. 

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...