
Showing posts from August, 2020

i carry your heart with me says so much.   Emotions spill out on the page.  Thoughts, meanings, feelings laid bare in the nuances and cadence of words. This....this one of my favorites...and holds great meaning for me. i carry your heart with me


Sometimes words fail me. Oh perhaps the more accurate statement is my voice fails me.    I am a relatively smart person.  I have fairly good grasp of the English language, my vocabulary is broad, I'm knowledgeable of current events, I'm well read, and I have opinions. With all of that going for me, I find it difficult to speak - with a modicum of intelligence - in certain instances.    I listen as others voice opinions.  I have my own.  But I seldom voice them.  On the rare occasion that I do, I find myself feeling uncomfortable and uneasy.   I hear a voice in my head saying "you're not interesting enough for them to listen to you," or I feel all eyes on me and I want to shrink in to the background. I've taught classes in front of hundreds of insurance professionals, I've taught software demonstrations to insurance agents, taught yoga to hundreds of students, stress management to correctional employees and never batted an eye.  ...