Freddie's father set a standard for Freddie of " Good Thoughts, Good Deeds" and shunned Freddie and his lifestyle when Freddie didn't display the proper behavior.
In the end, Freddie and his father mended fences when Freddie (and Queen) played for Live Aid, a concert to benefit famine.
That scene touched my heart so much. I've watched Bohemian Rhapsody multiple times just to see that scene. (Ok..and for the music too!)
Why am I writing of this? A couple of reasons. I guess that the first would be ...judgement and redemption. Let's face it...none...and I mean NONE of us are 100% as pure as the driven snow. We have all made questionable decisions or actions. And we've all been judged by someone at one time or another. We've probably even done some judging as well. If we can point out someone else's flaws, then surely ours don't look so bad, right?
Like Freddie, we all have redeeming qualities. And it's important to find redemption in our hearts. Why? Because we need to love and forgive ourselves first. If we wait for forgiveness and approval from others, you're going to be waiting for a while. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure I want approval from someone who just looked down their nose at me. Those people! Quite frankly, I dont need any one's approval. I know who I am, what I am, what I believe in, and walk my path.
The second reason I write this is ...good deeds. There are different kinds of deeds: big, flashy, look-what-I-did deeds and the smaller, quiet, let-me-help-you deeds. Both of them are appreciated. The motives behind them are the help and do good. One is flashy. One is subtle. Which means more? If you've just lost your shop due to a fire, the help of your best friend on his days off means the world. If you are elderly and cannot pay for your groceries, the kindness of a stranger paying for them will stick with you forever. It doesn't matter how grand or how just matters that you do something...and with the right intention.