Has it really been TWO Months
Holy smokes...it's been two months since my last post! Again, no excuses other than the holidays grabbed me, then the frigid arctic air. Quite honestly, I haven't feel like doing diddly at night other than hibernating and watching Netflix. Let's start with the holidays. We did something this year that we have never done - we drove to Minneapolis to have Christmas with my sister (staying there while she was undergoing radiation) and her daughters' families. We had a most wonderful time and I can for see this happening more in the future. The girls were lovely hostesses. Of course, the star of the show was little Iris Grace. That little girl has wormed her way in to my heart. I love ALL of my nieces and nephews unconditionally, as well as my great nieces and nephews...but lil Iris ...well....my heart strings tug every time I see a picture of her or a snapchat (her mother sends). We came back and had Christmas Day festivities at ...