I was finally able to get on my bike for a ride this morning. I had set out to do just a short ride - but ended up doing 16.2 miles. Granted, they were all in town miles - but for the first ride of the season, that's alright. I took a hill this morning and was pleasantly surprised when my legs (and lungs) didn't give out on me. I remembered my shifting, standing on the pedals (thank you riding mentor!) and didn't give up. It was freeing. My thoughts went everywhere, yet nowhere. Friends filled my mind, family filled my heart, my soul fed my energy and my body fueled the fire. It was so beautiful this morning. I didn't get out as early as I had liked but all was good. I layered up, found my gloves, and headed out. I said good morning to everyone I saw. People were out walking dogs, walking the park, doing gardening or yard work or just sitting enjoying coffee on their decks having a leisurely coff...