Sunday, April 30, 2017

I Remember You

We all have those people in our lives....the ones that were with us for a season, a reason, or a lifetime.   Their mere presence in our lives touched us, shaped us, and made us who we are.  

Though gone, they're not forgotten. 

I heard this song yesterday...and I thought I'd share a tribute to those have touched my life in such a profound way.

I Remember You (Skid Row)

My Ride

I was finally able to get on my bike for a ride this morning.  I had set out to do just a short ride - but ended up doing 16.2 miles.  Granted, they were all in town miles - but for the first ride of the season, that's alright.

I took a hill this morning and was pleasantly surprised when my legs (and lungs) didn't give out on me.  I remembered my shifting, standing on the pedals (thank you riding mentor!) and didn't give up. 

It was freeing.  My thoughts went everywhere, yet nowhere.  Friends filled my mind, family filled my heart, my soul fed my energy and my body fueled the fire.  

It was so beautiful this morning.  I didn't get out as early as I had liked but all was good.  I layered up, found my gloves, and headed out.  

I said good morning to everyone I saw.   People were out walking dogs, walking the park, doing gardening or yard work or just sitting enjoying coffee on their decks having a leisurely coffee.   I try and make up stories on everyone that I meet.  It's fun to give them a pretend life. 

The girl sitting on her deck having coffee and smoking a cigarette:  She was a single mother of two enjoying a little bit of quiet time to herself before her children woke up.  She had a fight with her ex (or baby daddy) because he was supposed to take the kids today and he called and said he couldn't.

To the man walking his dogs:  He was walking off steam as he'd just gotten in to a fight with his partner that morning and had to get out of the house.  

To the little boy riding his bike:  His parents were still sleeping it off (hangovers) and he was told to go outside and play so he didn't disturb them.  He left them alone for the freedom of his bike around the neighborhood.  

I loved the my first 16.2 miles of the season.  But I found a bit of freedom in each stroke of the pedal. 

Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.... ~Albert Camus

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Poor Kid

I was working a file today and I had to take a moment and breathe deeply.  

A social worker wanted to bring a young child in to visit one of our inmates.   The boy, not even a year old, is placed with Social Services because his mother was doing drugs (meth) during her pregnancy and tested positive after she had given birth to him.

The child was listed in our database as son to another inmate - the mother's husband.  In reading through the 12 page guardianship papers, it was revealed that the "husband" didn't/wouldn't claim the child as his own.   The current inmate, at one time, claimed paternity of the child, but has since rescinded that claim. 

The documents also stated the mother had listed two other "potential fathers" who both denied fathering the child.  

Paternity tests are being done, but in the meantime, the child is coming in to visit his "father"...or the last man to claim to be as such.

As I was reading through the papers, my heart sank.  All I could think of was, "that poor, poor little boy!"  What a rough beginning for him....and what is going to happen to him., and in the future.  

I hope the Universe is kind to this little boy. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

I work on my Patience....

There are things I wish,
Things I withstand, and things I do.  
There are things I do without,
and things I want, but I have what I need. 
 So I work on my patience a little every day.
~Sherry~ '17

Thursday, April 20, 2017

What does it mean...

Recently I've been seeing dimes and pennies appearing in my path.   One dime and two pennies, to be exact. 

I've seen them in the farm house when I was the gym (one the floor) when I was lifting weights....on the floor in the grocery store ..and in the house.   They appear, seemingly out of nowhere.  It's actually kind of freaky.   I spoke with a friend of mine who said that it's a message from a loved one...trying to tell me. So, I googled it.

The Mystery of Dimes Appearing

Fascinating read. 

Now to figure out who from the other side, is trying to send me a message.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I woke up this morning with a cold. Oh joy.  This is the third cold I've had since the beginning of the year.  It seems that my weakened immune system hasn't strengthened all that much.  Not sure what is going on, but I'll continue to get better....healthier...stronger.  I have to, I have a lot of bike riding to do this spring/summer.  

I did take the bike out yesterday for the first time this spring.  It felt wonderful!  I didn't go very far - just kept it to a couple of the local parks.  I didn't want to get too wild and crazy on the first trip out. Besides, even though they say you never forget how to ride a bike, there is the simple thing of gaining strength in the legs and confidence in oneself in order to tackle the trails.  Those hills can be pretty darn scary.  I have been incredibly lucky in that I haven't wiped out too badly - I hope I never do.   I invested in a tire patching kit and some canisters of Co2 to carry with me in case I blow a tire when I'm out on the trails. Again, I've been incredibly lucky that hasn't happened, yet. 

Today is a lazy day.  I started the day out by making waffles.  I never make waffles, and now I know why.  They sucked!  The only good thing about them was the syrup. LOL  Guess it'll be anoher two years before I make them.   At least I know the waffle iron still works!

I'm sticking pretty close to home, my recliner.  I'm doing some laundry, ..ok...a lot of laundry.  I haven't washed clothes in two weeks.  (I needed clean undies! lol).   I should be doing some house cleaning as well, but quite frankly...I don't feel like it.  I'm perfectly happy sitting my tush in the recliner and binge watching Heartland (Netflix). 

I'm gearing up for the week ahead.  It's Easter next weekend.  We haven't quite figured out what we're doing yet.  I have a ham in the freezer - so maybe I'll throw that in the oven along with some baked potatoes...keep it simple...and spend the day at home which will be totally fine with me. 

Nothing else to's just a lazy Sunday in the northland.  

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Truthfully, I hate wearing these restricting things!  My toes need air...they need to breathe.. the need to be free!

Sandals cannot come soon enough.  We're almost there...just a few days of consistent 50 degree temperatures and I breaking um out of the closet!

When I was younger, on the farm, I ditched shoes.  I was barefoot 90% of the time.  The soles of my feet were so conditioned, I could run barefoot on gravel and not feel a thing.  Poor mom....always a struggle with me.  "Sherry! Put some shoes on!" I'd comply, but only until out of eyesight. Lol.

She knew, of course.   But the joke was on me when it came time for school.  My poor toes were relegated back in to shoes....sad, confining, uncomfortable shoes.  Pure agony! And mom would utter the infamous "I told you to wear shoes".

While I may not run barefoot as I did in my youth, I still hate wearing shoes!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


He's the other man in my life.  He's my trainer...and he's amazing.   Tonight's workout was absolutely a killer but I loved every minute of it.   And that is mostly because of Nick.  He infuses humor at just the right when I'm just about ready to give up on an exercise.  He gives me encouragement but busts my chops when he sees incorrect form, or me cheating to make an exercise easier.

More importantly, he's taught me to never give up on myself when the going gets rough.  When I've completed a difficult exercise and said, "I didn't think I could do that,"  he's replied, "I did." 

I know that he's the facilitator and that I'm doing all the work, but when you have someone that believes in you, it can make all the difference in the world.  The difference between just making it through an exercise, or powering through and coming out stronger on the other side. 

And that's the point.   Believe.  Believe in yourself.

So often we fall prey to our own thoughts.  We listen to the voices in our head that say we aren't worthy or deserving.   Self talk.  It's either positive or negative.  Unfortunately, most of the time it's more on the negative side. 

But when someone believes in us, gives us the spark to move believe in ourselves, the sky is the limit.  

When we Believe, all things are possible.  The negative chatter in our head dissolved, and we believe that the possible.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Hello.  It's me again.   Seems like the only time I get to write on this blog is on Sunday evenings...after I've lived life for  a few days.  

It's been amazingly  good for me the past few weeks.   I've gotten to spend quality time with some of the most amazing women in my circle.

Last weekend I went to the Journey concert (for those who know me, Journey is my ALL time favorite band of ALL time!!) with my besties Donna and Vickie.   We had such an amazing time just hanging out with each other...laughing, grooving to the music and just "being" together.   I have tons of photos to share, but they're all on my phone and I haven't a clue how to import them here (I'm kind of technologically challenged).

This weekened I was fortunate to have time with one of my longtime friends... Becky  We've known each other for 20 years.   I've seen her through thick and thin...and vice versa.  She's one of those "lifetime" friends... you know ...the one's that know your history and still love you no matter what. 

We spent some great time together this weekend.  We left early on Friday and hit Fargo, only to shop until we dropped.  After a nice supper at Johnny Carino's, we headed back to the hotel and relaxed.  We got comfortable (in PJ's) and uncorked a bottle of wine and got down to the business of connecting.....sharing thoughts, fears, dreams, hopes and reality.   No holds barred.   She's been with me the longest of any of my "circle", and knows all the gory details of my life....and I, of hers. 

Our friendship is one that will stand the test of time.  We don't have contact daily....we see each other rarely...but she's one of those people that will ALWAYS be in my life.  

Today, was an easy kind of day.  I slept in (a rarity for me), then headed up to Blaine's apartment.  He's done such an amazing job at keeping it clean!  I told him how proud I was of him and how he should be proud of himself.  We went for breakfast, did some grocery shopping, took a drive out to the Pipestem Dam and Jamestown Resevoir, all the while cruising to some awesome music.  

After I dropped him off, I came home and cleaned.  Yuck!!   But, it's a necessary evil...and if I'm gonna get on Blaine's case about cleaning....I'd better put up or shut up!

The upcoming week will be a long one for me....short days at work, but a long week (no 1/2 day on Friday)   I have a full yoga and gym schedule.  

I'm proud of myself.  I've had two really great weeks.  My moods have been good, I've spent amazing time with spectacular friends, created memories and lived life.'s all good today!

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...