I Remember You (Skid Row)
Sunday, April 30, 2017
I Remember You
I Remember You (Skid Row)
My Ride
I took a hill this morning and was pleasantly surprised when my legs (and lungs) didn't give out on me. I remembered my shifting, standing on the pedals (thank you riding mentor!) and didn't give up.
It was freeing. My thoughts went everywhere, yet nowhere. Friends filled my mind, family filled my heart, my soul fed my energy and my body fueled the fire.
It was so beautiful this morning. I didn't get out as early as I had liked but all was good. I layered up, found my gloves, and headed out.
I said good morning to everyone I saw. People were out walking dogs, walking the park, doing gardening or yard work or just sitting enjoying coffee on their decks having a leisurely coffee. I try and make up stories on everyone that I meet. It's fun to give them a pretend life.
The girl sitting on her deck having coffee and smoking a cigarette: She was a single mother of two enjoying a little bit of quiet time to herself before her children woke up. She had a fight with her ex (or baby daddy) because he was supposed to take the kids today and he called and said he couldn't.
To the man walking his dogs: He was walking off steam as he'd just gotten in to a fight with his partner that morning and had to get out of the house.
To the little boy riding his bike: His parents were still sleeping it off (hangovers) and he was told to go outside and play so he didn't disturb them. He left them alone for the freedom of his bike around the neighborhood.
I loved the my first 16.2 miles of the season. But I found a bit of freedom in each stroke of the pedal.
Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.... ~Albert Camus
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Poor Kid
Friday, April 21, 2017
I work on my Patience....
~Sherry~ '17
Thursday, April 20, 2017
What does it mean...
I've seen them in the farm house when I was cleaning....at the gym (one the floor) when I was lifting weights....on the floor in the grocery store ..and in the house. They appear, seemingly out of nowhere. It's actually kind of freaky. I spoke with a friend of mine who said that it's a message from a loved one...trying to tell me. So, I googled it.
The Mystery of Dimes Appearing
Fascinating read.
Now to figure out who from the other side, is trying to send me a message.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
I'm sticking pretty close to home, my recliner. I'm doing some laundry, ..ok...a lot of laundry. I haven't washed clothes in two weeks. (I needed clean undies! lol). I should be doing some house cleaning as well, but quite frankly...I don't feel like it. I'm perfectly happy sitting my tush in the recliner and binge watching Heartland (Netflix).
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Truthfully, I hate wearing these restricting things! My toes need air...they need to breathe.. the need to be free!
Sandals cannot come soon enough. We're almost there...just a few days of consistent 50 degree temperatures and I breaking um out of the closet!
When I was younger, on the farm, I ditched shoes. I was barefoot 90% of the time. The soles of my feet were so conditioned, I could run barefoot on gravel and not feel a thing. Poor mom....always a struggle with me. "Sherry! Put some shoes on!" I'd comply, but only until out of eyesight. Lol.
She knew, of course. But the joke was on me when it came time for school. My poor toes were relegated back in to shoes....sad, confining, uncomfortable shoes. Pure agony! And mom would utter the infamous "I told you to wear shoes".
While I may not run barefoot as I did in my youth, I still hate wearing shoes!
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Life......it's all good today!
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And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...
I always struggle with some people's work ethic, or lack thereof. I've always been raised with the mindset that if there is work to...