
Showing posts from August, 2015


So normally I give Mondays a whole bunch of negative energy.  Until someone (close friend) asked me why? I had you stop and think.  Monday really hasn't done anything bad to me.  Wrll, other than follow a weekend.  I did eventually think of my reason though.  Mondays are bad days because OF giving it negative energy.   And because of that negative energy, the little things are magnified exponentially  (that word makes me smile). So this morning I woke up, smiled, said prayers of healing and comfort to my friends experiencing difficulty, recited the Sanskrit poem, "Look Well To This Day", oiled up with essential oils and attacked Monday with Positive energy  (for a change). Know what?  It's 5:13 and Monday was good.  Wonder if this plan works on other days of the week also?! #newplanofattack

Been A While

Yes, I've been absent from writing.  The last six months have been a bit difficult for me.  It hasn't been that I've had a loss of word.  I have many thoughts and words floating around in my head. I'm still feeling a sense of grief for the loss of my mother-in-law, Ella.  I've learned, through counseling, her death triggered some unaddressed grief issues.    Add to the grief, the menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, house renovations, work overload, reunion planning, etc....let's just say I was in a tailspin. I did go to the doctor to address the menopause symptoms and lack of sleep.   She prescribed Effexor (antidepressant) to help with the symptoms.  In the end, I opted not to take it.  First, the side effects scare the crap out of me.  Secondly, I believe I can rise up out of this and work through this.   I'm certainly better than I was two months ago and even a month ago.  ...