
Showing posts from November, 2014


It's amazing how fulfilling stepping out of one's comfort zone can be.  During this past weekend I did just that, twice. On Friday night I walked in a parade.  That's a first for me.   I've watched plenty of them but never walked in one.   JRCC A-shift (and friends) constructed a float that ultimately won "Most Original" float of the parade.   It was an amazing concept of a gift, wrapped with a bow and tag "From JRCC."   But, the sides opened up to reveal a family sitting I in front of the fire place and the Christmas tree.   It was a brilliant concept and executed beautifully.  Thank you A-shift.  I walked with an ICAP dog named Ida.  She's a pretty little golden lab.  Our start to the evening was a little rough as I scared her by wearing a bombardier hat. However, we made up and she did very well through the parade considering it was her first parade too.    It was blooming cold ...


This quote was on my calendar today.  Loved it so much I had to share: The capacity for caring illuminates any relationship.   The more people you care about, and the more intensely you care, the more alive you are

Where To Start

It's been far, far too long since my last post on this blog.   It's not that I haven't had plenty to blog about, I have.   It's been a shortage of time and desire to do so.    Life has gotten busy, too busy at times.  I have a sense of being overwhelmed with work, my mother-in-law and yoga.      Work:  It seems as if someone flipped a switch and my workload went turbo.  We are launching a new software at work and I'm part of the team that is testing it for accuracy of rollover database information, bugs and overall performance.  While it's been great to get back to something I loved to do in a previous job (over 25 years ago), it's also been a bit frustrating.  I haven't always  been given access to all areas of the software (control issues).  Testing then becomes a question of whether it's an honest programming error or an access error.  Not to mention testing takes time away from an incr...