I picked up a new gig. I'm now volunteering at The Heritage Center in addition to teaching yoga there every other week. I had thought about it for quite some time and decided that it was now or never. What made me decided to volunteer more time? When I go there to teach yoga, the residents don't want to leave after our session. They like to talk to me and ask me questions about what I do (my work at the prison), my family, what is going on downtown, how I've been feeling. They're lonely and they like interaction with people from the outside (not staff members). I've come to know several of them and some of them I already knew. There is Harry, who used to be my bus driver when I was little. Harold, who is my brother-in-law's brother. There is Bobbie, who was friends with my mom and dad and whose farm was just 2.5 miles from my family farm. Saturday was my first day helping some of the residents. I loaded up m...