Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Down Time

I had the opportunity to stay at a lakeside cabin in Minnesota this past weekend.   My friend Georgia and I occupied her brothers cabin Friday night through Sunday 1pm. 

It was a slice of heaven!  We ate, talked (a lot), read books, and slept.  And slept some more!  Oooo ..and can't forget the wine either!

I cannot tell you how long its been since I've allowed myself to relax and let go.   I never even got dressed on Saturday ...pajamas and sweatshirt.  Did I care?   Nope!

I needed the downtime though as I felt rejuvenated.  Unfortunately every good thing must end and it was back to Mach I speed on Monday.

I do it to myself though.  However,  now that I have the memory of how it feels to relax, you can bet I'm going to schedule a weekend away like that again.  And soon!

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...