I now have to learn how to give insulin shots...to my cat Boris. :( Yes, I bit the bullet and took my poor lil kitty kat Boris to the vet. It's normally a traumatic experience involving Valium (for me!) The lil dude didn't put up much of a fight when I guided him in the pet carrier. I believe he was thinking "oh thank gawd she is FINALLY taking me in!" What was the deciding factor? My Boris would sound like a heard of thundering elephants as he raced down the hallway to get to his food dish...then sit and way non-too-patiently for me to arrive to fill his dish so he could eat with gusto. Well, Monday he didn't race down the hall...he meandered...and when he arrived at his food dish, he turned and started drinking a half gallon of water. Ut-oh! NOT normal Boris-like behavior. That and the fact that he was extremely sleepy - even for a cat. Off we go to see the vet who had an answer for me within an hour. "Your Bor...