Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I now have to learn how to give insulin my cat Boris.  :(

Yes, I bit the bullet and took my poor lil kitty kat Boris to the vet.  It's normally a traumatic experience involving Valium (for me!)  The lil dude didn't put up much of a fight when I guided him in the pet carrier.  I believe he was thinking "oh thank gawd she is FINALLY taking me in!"

What was the deciding factor?  My Boris would sound like a heard of  thundering elephants as he raced down the hallway to get to his food dish...then sit and way non-too-patiently for me to arrive to fill his dish so he could eat with gusto.  Well, Monday he didn't race down the hall...he meandered...and when he arrived at his food dish, he turned and started drinking a half gallon of water.  Ut-oh!   NOT normal Boris-like behavior.

That and the fact that he was extremely sleepy - even for a cat.

Off we go to see the vet who had an answer for me within an hour.  "Your Boris has diabetes."  Wow.  I don't have children, but that was a "parent-like" emotion that went through me at the word "Diabetes."  My mother had diabetes...  hate that word!

So now, we start the process of giving insulin shots twice a day - preferably 12 hrs apart.  Now..most of you know my schedule. .... craziness at it's best.  This is going to be interesting.   Hubs and I are already doing the responsible parenting thing.  Our conversation this morning was..."Ok, I can give him the shot this morning, but I won't be home until after 7 if you get home before me....he's do for his shot at 6:30pm."  

I know, I know...but it's my lil Boris....I'd do anything so he feels better and sounds like a herd of thundering elephants again!

Side note:  I flew solo on my first insulin shot  tonight.  I still have all the skin intact on my arms and no bite I must've done alright!  :)


Sunday, June 26, 2011


Everywhere I look, there is water!!!  I can't help but say that I'm a little tired of it.   We've had two downpours in the last four hours, and a third one is happening right now.  I came back from town and had to lock the 4Runner in to 4wheel drive in order to navigate the country roads.  Sick!

What's worse is this is NOT helping the flooding situation in the state.  The ground is already so saturated that the water has no where to go....but in to already swollen rivers, creeks, dams. 

My heart aches for the communities in the Minot area.  The Souris river has overflowed and caused 12,000 people to flee  their homes.  And with the recent rains, it doesn't look like the water is going to be receding anytime soon.   I told someone the other day that when the water does recede in both Minot and Bismarck, I'm going to go for a weekend and just help wherever and whomever I can.  It's the least that I can do.   Wish I could do more.

I was talking to one of my former crop insurance adjusters today and he was telling me that the amount of claims (loss)  in the industry is enormous and he doesn't know how they are all going to get worked.  I think if I wanted back in to the industry, now would be the time.  I'm pretty sure I could make good money going out in the field with a team of adjusters and handling claims or even just processing them.   The million dollar question I want in to that rat race again?

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's all about family and food!

I'm back from my yoga conference and I'm one whipped puppy! I have no words to accurately describe the weekend other than WOW!!

Once more, I stayed with my niece and nephew Joan and Matt Larson.  They've (and Karen too!) been so supportive of me and my endeavors that I cannot thank them enough!!  

Now as much as I'm there for the yoga conference and my yoga certification (see my yoga blog for my thoughts on the conference)... my trip to Minneapolis is also about seeing the girls and...the FOOD! 

Oh my gosh people...Minneapolis has the BEST food ever!  Let's break this down shall we?

Wednesday night when I arrived, I was met by Matt and their condo (Joan was on call at the VA hospital), and we were later joined by Karen.  We ate a place called the Mac & Cheese Grill.  I was like "why do they want to grill macaroni and cheese?"  As  I soon discovered, it was a fabulous Italian restauraunt.  I had something called stuffed cannallonie (yes, I know I murdered the spelling!), but boy was it good!

Thursday we went to the Village Wok on campus!  Can you say orgasmic??!!!  I discovered that I have a love for spicy foods! I like it hot, hot HOT and they delivered!   We were joined by Joan and Dave (Karen's beau) and had a lovely time laughing, sharing stories and just being with each other.

Friday...Matt had a wedding rehearsal so it was Girl's Night Out...but we let Dave come along cuz he's such a nice guy!!  :)   We ended up going a Mexican place that was out of this world scrumpteous!  I stuck with a favorite of mine, a Chimichanga, but it was awesome!  Of course, we were having such a good time laughing and eating that time just flew by. 

Now Saturday was something new for me. I've never had Tai food Karen, Dave, and Amy (Karen's roommate) took me to  The King and I in downtown Minneapolis.  I, being the adventurer that I am, decided to go for the gusto and ordered Pad Tai (spicy).  Love, love LOVE Tai food!   Dave totally rocks though cuz he went  Tai  (HOT)!    Yes, I give it two snaps and a WOOT! 

Sunday - the last day of my conference and certification process - was awesome.  The kids (Karen, Matt and Joan) and  I ate at Brasa's.  YUMMMMMYYYY!!!!  I think it's my absolute favorite place in the cities to eat....though the Tai place rocks as well.!

The best part of the whole weekend though was getting to see my girls!  I cannot explain what it like to be with them.  Their energy, their wit and humor, their knowledge and totally amazing....both of them.  I'm so proud of them and their accomplishments!  I know that they won't be in Mineapolis or the midwest much longer, so this time spent with them truly meant the world to me. 

The conference was, in of itself, amazing.  I was put through quite a rigorous process but it was all totally worth it!  RYT accomplished!  (Very proud of myself, if I do say so myself!)

As I check the clock and see that it's 10pm and I've been up since  4:30am...I think this bird will fly to bed now.  It's back to the real world and work. 

Goodnight everyone!!

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...