Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I had a suprise tonight when I logged on to Facebook.  Someone from my past had found me and was apologizing for hurts done to me in the past and asked me to forgive them. They had "carried around the guilt for 20+ years and needed to get it off their chest".

Wow.  Shocked and surprised, to say the least.  To carry the burden of a grudge or hatred is huge...but for 20+ years? I cannot imagine how this person feels to have tracked me down after all this time to tell me they were sorry.  

All I know is how I was feeling when I read the message.

They weren't expecting a reply to the message, but I gave them one anyway.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Killer workout

Well, I had another killer session with Mark this afternoon.  He kicked my ass once again.  Just when I was getting used to the program he had me on, he went and switched it up on me.  Now I have a whole new routine to whine about! ~LOL~   Seriously, I think I can handle this one.  It has alot more combination of legs and arms (lunge with arm curls, etc), and core work.  I think I’ll like it.  I just need to find the time to get to the gym more.  These summer months aren’t all that conducive to hitting the gym; too much other fun stuff to do.   Like, drag races, Adrian’s 125th celebration, weddings, dances, etc. 

I need more motivation and maybe the scale is going to be the motivation.  I nearly croaked last Monday when I stepped on the scale and it showed that I had gained 4 pounds over the weekend!  OH my gosh!!!   I wasn’t pleased then immediately started cursing my slowing metabolism.  So Mark…if you’re reading this…no matter what I say…BRING IT ON!!  

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just a thought.....

So when someone says to me, “My, you look good today.”  ……

What does that mean?  

Did I look bad yesterday and they didn’t want to hurt my feelings and say anything?

What about the other 364 days of the year?  Did I look bad then too, or just “not good” as opposed to “looking good today.”   And really, what does “good”  mean?

Could it mean that I look healthy, happy, and full of life.  Or does it mean “good” in the way of “you are breathing and have a pulse, so you are good.”   

Might it mean that I’m particularly strikingly beautiful today (in which case the subject needs to have their eyes examined or stop drinking entirely)!  (hehehe)

Thoughts to ponder……  J

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another fabulous weekend!

Oh my goodness!  There was so much going on this weekend that I didn't know which way to turn! 

Friday night started out with a surprise birthday party for our friend Karen.  Surprise it was!  Her birthday isn't until Wednesday!  She turns 50 this year.  I keep telling her that 50 is the new 30 and to not stress out over it.  Easier said than done (my time is coming in a few years!). 

I wanted to hit the fair also on Friday and listen to a band (Nightrider) that was popular around these parts in the late 70's and early 80's.  No such luck.  Hubster and I stayed at the birthday until 10pm then came home and watched a movie (Planet of the Apes - new version with Mark Wahlberg).   I tell you what.... I loved the first movie with Charlton Heston, but this one was very good too.   Couldn't believe I was watching a movie about apes, but oh well....~L~

Saturday was a huge day for me.   My first Saturday yoga class started up again on at 8:30 - 9:30am. It was awesome to move and flow with the breath and spend the morning with a couple of great ladies.  We didn't waste any time getting out of there though.  The parade started at 9:30 and I needed to pick up mother-in-law and find a good spot to watch the festivities.  As luck would have it, we drove down a side street there just happened to be a parking spot with our name out.   Not only that, it was right along the parade route!  Yes!   We jumped out, staked out our spot in front of a vehicle and sat on the grass so that we could watch it pass by on the street.  That was short lived though, as the pesky little nats were flying around us and making it a little uncomfortable.  As we were getting up and standing to watch the parade, the gentleman - whose care we were standing in front of - came out and asked us if we wanted to use the lawn chairs he had in the back of his vehicle.  Hello!!   What a nice man.   We sat in style and watched the floats, cars, machinery, horses, and politicians (no, they are not one in the same!) pass in front of us.  It was a little toasty, but that was even taken care of.   Parade walkers from a local church were handing out bottles of water.  Sweet!.

Ella and I hotfooted it up to Perkins afterwards to had  lunch then I dropped her off and headed to the gym.  I was one of a few people in the gym so that was nice...no fighting for the equipment.  That is always a bonus.  Not only that, but one of the men there was someone that I've only met a few times.  He had come to my yoga class and I'd also seen him at the gym a time before.  But yesterday we got to talking a little more in depth and it was truly enjoyable!   Laughing and talking with him sure made the time on the elliptical go a heck of a lot faster.  So Brad, if you see this post....a huge thank you for making the time go a bit faster, plus it was great getting to know you a little better in the process!  PS:  There was a reason our paths crossed again yesterday.  :-)  

Rodeo anyone?  Yes, hubster and I went to the rodeo again this year.  I don't know what it is about rodeos...sitting out in the element and watching young men and women do their thing.  Maybe it's the beautiful horses, the expertise of the riders, the fresh air, dust.....who knows.  One thing is for sure, I love it!!  The only thing they didn't have was foot long hot dogs!  ~L~  Hey!  It is NOT the fair unless you have a foot long hot dog and a beer to wash it down!  Which is precisely what we did........headed to the fair and stopped at the first hot dog we saw!..Hmmmmmm, was it good!  Something about fair food that gets me every year.   (Maybe its the fact that I don't have to cook it...OR...it comes with beer!)  Either way, a win-win situation! ~LOL~  

Today was another good day.  Got up, sat on the deck and drank some coffee, headed in to do yoga with a student (with whom I shared amazing energy with today!), then off to the gym for a killer session on the elliptical.  

Weekends are great ...just because I can relax.....but when I get weekends like last week and this week....well, weekends are just Fantabulous!!!   (PS:  too bad they are so short!). 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A fantabulous 4th of July holiday weekend!

Oh my goodness!  This one will go down in to the memory banks.

I had such a great weekend with my family.  Saturday night was spent at my sister’s house.  My brother Ron and his wife were in town doing some electrical work for Peggy and were staying overnight.  So Peg had me and Tom, my brother Terry and wife Marna, and Yentz (sp), a German co-worker from Bremen over for supper.  What a great time we had!!   Laughing and joking around, drinking a little, eating a lot!  It was wonderful!!.   We stayed way past my bedtime though. 

I was so tired on Sunday morning, but NOT too tired to accept another invitation for brunch at my sisters house!  (hehehe)

Peggy, Ron, Pearl and I had a scrumptious breakfast (thank you Peggy!), and then headed out for a drive around the hometown area.  We stopped down at the cemetary to visit the graves of Mom, Dad, and Earl (a few tears were shed there).  We then headed out on the back roads of the countryside – testing our memories on “who lived there?”  or “didn’t that used to be ‘so-and-so’s’ place”?.  All the while telling stories on what happened on those backroads.   No worries Peg and Ron, what was said in the car STAYS in the car!  J  Of course, us being Schulzs, we had a cooler of drinks (OK, some beer!) with us to help alleviate the thirst because of how hot it was outside.  J J

Next stop was Mom and Dad’s place. We cried when we stopped in at the home place.  Silence filled the car as we looked at nothing but a corn field.  There was nothing to even indicate that there was once a thriving farm there; nothing except a small remnant of driveway and our memories.  It all flooded back to the front of my mind like it was just yesterday.  Family picnics, sleding down the snowpile, Dad walking across the yard to the house, Mom playing piano and tending to her beautiful flower gardens, kids (grandchildren) playing on the lawn, Terry riding horse,….. brings a lump to my throat even now just typing this.  Good times, great memories!

We proceeded to Terry and Marna’s home from there.  They weren’t home, but we didn’t mind.  We raided their beer supply and sat on their patio enjoying the solitude and discussing anything and everything that came to mind.  We decided to leave a little calling card for them and stacked the empy beer cans and wine coolers by their front door.   Wasn’t much of a calling card as I had left a message earlier on their phone telling them we were going to be in the area.  Brother Terry said he knew immediately who it was, even before hearing the voice message!  (I need to seriously work on my M.O!).

By the time it was all said and done, this weekend was a BLAST! And I’ll treasure the time spent with my family!!



Thursday, July 1, 2010

Diagnosis requested

So, when I attempt to leave my house three times and each time I turn back to make sure that I turned the iron off, is it:

1.       cautiousness (because I don’t want the house to burn down and it be your fault),

2.       habit (because this happens every time I use the iron),

3.       short term memory loss (c’mon….three times within 15 minutes!!??!!!)

4.       OCD (if I start doing things in “3’s” it’s going to suck big time!).



 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...