Hello blogstalkers!!! Hope this finds you all doing well and good.
Personally, I’m doing good also. It’s been a little while since my last post to this blog, so thought I’d better check in and let you all know what is going on in my life. In one word…. Nothing! (hahahaha). Well, not entirely true. Nothing HUGE has been going on; I haven’t won the lottery, I haven’t gone anywhere exotic or exciting, and I haven’t gotten to buy anything extravagant or decadent lately. But, there have been a few little things that have gone on that are just as gratifying, if not more so.
I’ve gotten to spend some time with good friends lately. I love it when that happens. It seems that life is always so busy for everyone that it takes an act of congress to get together and enjoy each other’s company. We vow to not let it “go so long”….but sometimes good intentions go awry. The best thing is that the minute we do get together, it’s like it was just yesterday that we last saw each other or spoke to each other. That’s a good sign of friendship – picking up where you left off.
This past weekend I went down to Adrian for another dusk-to-dawn wiffleball tournament. Let me tell you….. you haven’t experienced life until you’ve gone to one of these!! Freakin Hilarious! Good thing that there is “zero” athleticism with this game! The facility where I work had maybe 4 teams at this tournament, which was great to see! Mitch and Lynette opened up their home once more and hosted a cookout prior to the games starting. I was able to spend time with co-workers and catch up on what has been happening in their lives. Of course, some cold refreshments were enjoyed along with all of the scrumptious food! I even went for a ride on an ATV giving Tim a grand tour of Adrian. (That took a whole whopping 5 minutes!).
My team lost every single game. Not surprising…… but we had fun and gave it our best shot! As much as I had intended to stay and “REALLY” let my hair down, I ended up leaving about 1: 45 in the morning. This chick isn’t quite the night owl that I used to be. (and no, that doesn’t mean that I’m getting old!) (hahahaha).
So, that’s it in a nutshell ….life in general is pretty good.
Until next time,