Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Life in general

Hello blogstalkers!!!  Hope this finds you all doing well and good. 

Personally, I’m doing good also.  It’s been a little while since my last post to this blog, so thought I’d better check in and let you all know what is going on in my life.  In one word…. Nothing!  (hahahaha).   Well, not entirely true.  Nothing HUGE has been going on; I haven’t won the lottery, I haven’t gone anywhere exotic or exciting, and I haven’t gotten to buy anything extravagant or decadent lately.  But, there have been a few little things that have gone on that are just as gratifying, if not more so.

I’ve gotten to spend some time with good friends lately.  I love it when that happens.   It seems that life is always so busy for everyone that it takes an act of congress to get together and enjoy each other’s company.  We vow to not let it “go so long”….but sometimes good intentions go awry.   The best thing is that the minute we do get together, it’s like it was just yesterday that we last saw each other or spoke to each other.  That’s a good sign of friendship – picking up where you left off.

This past weekend I went down to Adrian for another dusk-to-dawn wiffleball tournament.  Let me tell you….. you haven’t experienced life until you’ve gone to one of these!!  Freakin Hilarious!  Good thing that there is “zero” athleticism with this game!   The facility where I work had maybe 4 teams at this tournament, which was great to see!  Mitch and Lynette opened up their home once more and hosted a cookout prior to the games starting.  I was able to spend time with co-workers and catch up on what has been happening in their lives.  Of course, some cold refreshments were enjoyed along with all of the scrumptious food!  I even went for a ride on an ATV giving Tim a grand tour of Adrian.  (That took a whole whopping 5 minutes!).   

My team  lost every single game.   Not surprising…… but we had fun and gave it our best shot!    As much as I had intended to stay and “REALLY”  let my hair down, I ended up leaving about 1: 45 in the morning.   This chick isn’t quite the night owl that I used to be.  (and no, that doesn’t mean that I’m getting old!)  (hahahaha).

So, that’s it in a nutshell ….life in general is pretty good.

Until next time,


Friday, June 18, 2010

Phone Conversation with Hubster

Hubster:  “I need a new phone.”

Me:  “Ok, why do you need a new phone?”

Hubster:  “Cuz a tree fell on me and smashed my phone.”

Me:  “Never mind the stupid phone!  How are you? Are you hurt?”

Hubster: “Branch poked in to my leg….not bad.  I need a new phone.”


(rolls eyes….)  This coming from the man who 15 years was going to divorce me cuz he didn’t want a cell phone.  

A freakin tree falls on the man and he’s more concerned with his phone than his body.   (hahahahahaha)  J 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Let Go...

“I vow to let go of all worries and anxiety in order to be light and free.”   - Thich Nhat Hanh 

Those words are really resonating within me today.   I’ve been experiencing some health issues lately (nothing big, so no need to worry).  I do not know why, but it seems to be human nature to freak out when something isn’t quite right on the health front.  My immediate thoughts are “Oh no!!!  That twinge in my knee means that I’m going to have knee surgery!  Then I’ll be laid up on sick leave and I won’t be able to teach yoga.!”   Like how sad is that?! Geeez!   The next morning I did not even know that I had a knee -no pain.   I basically wasted an entire day thinking of doom and gloom when I should have been enjoying the sunshine and being “light and free.”

It’s one of those things that I teach in yoga class…..”let go, live in the present”.  Hard to do some days, I know this from experience. I’m trying hard to put things in the right perspective and not to get ahead of myself.  I want to spend my energy on the positive and not on the negatives.  I want to spend my time “doing now” and not worry about “what if”.  I want to live “in the present” and not dwell on the past. 

I was talking to a student after class the other night and we were discussing yoga and what inspires us.  We both learned that we are inspired by this Sanskit verse:

Look well to this day

For yesterday is but a dream

And tomorrow is but a vision.

But today well lived

Makes yesterday a dream of happiness

And tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well to this day.








Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A traveler I am not...

I'm only going to be gone for six days/five nights and already need a steamer trunk for everything that I'm taking.  Sheeesh!  ~L~  I used to have this packing thing down pat when I traveled during my crop insurance days.   Not so much anymore.  

I mean really!  I have my yoga clothes, my non-yoga clothes, my workout clothes (not to be confused with the yoga clothes), my unmentionables (ummm...guess they are mentioned here, so does that still make them "unmetionables"?), my toiletries, hair goop, vitamins (so I have lots of energy for four days of yoga!), my yoga bag, my yoga mats, my snacks (to keep up energy during yoga!), two water bottles, my yoga books (continuing education you know!), etc.  

I'm going to have to tone it down a little bit I think as poor niece Joan and nephew Matt will not let me come again next year.  On second thought - if I bring a cooler of Schutt Grade-A Choice beef......????? 

Anywho...if you haven't already figured it out, I'm heading towards Minneapolis for four days of yoga (i.e. continuing education).  I'm excited and nervous! I'm another year older and I hope that my body holds out.  I'm going with the premise that I'm young at heart and I might just show those 20-somethings a thing or two!  (hehehehe).  I'll try and relax and enjoy the experience. After all, yoga is about acceptance, non-judgement, and letting go of competition.   I'm going to live in the moment, absorb all that I can from the instructors and find renewal in my yoga spirit. 

And if that doesn't work - bring on the wine!  (hehehehe)

I'll be away from the blogs for a few days but you all can catch up with me through Twitter. - which also posts to the right hand side of this blog.  I'll try to keep you informed and let you know how I'm doing! 

 PS:  Joan says she has lotsa ice packs and Advil on hand for me.  Yeah!  (hehehe)  Oh yeah....Pray for me!! 


 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...