Life in general
Hello blogstalkers!!! Hope this finds you all doing well and good. Personally, I’m doing good also. It’s been a little while since my last post to this blog, so thought I’d better check in and let you all know what is going on in my life. In one word…. Nothing! (hahahaha). Well, not entirely true. Nothing HUGE has been going on; I haven’t won the lottery, I haven’t gone anywhere exotic or exciting, and I haven’t gotten to buy anything extravagant or decadent lately. But, there have been a few little things that have gone on that are just as gratifying, if not more so. I’ve gotten to spend some time with good friends lately. I love it when that happens. It seems that life is always so busy for everyone that it takes an act of congress to get together and enjoy each other’s company. We vow to not let it “go so long”….but sometimes good...