I hate being sick...absolutely HATE it! My get all nasaly, my eyes look like I'm squinting all the time, and my voice sounds like a bullfrog in heat. (Ok, I really don't know what that sounds like, but I bet it isn't the prettiest sound in the world.)
I started coming down with this stuff on Thursday night. I had to apologize to my soccer athletes as my voice kept cutting out during class, which wasn't what I wanted to happen for my last class with them. They were super nice though and understood. I hated to say goodbye to them at the end of class. I thanked them all for the enjoyable journey they allowed me to take with them and wished them all a safe and relaxing summer. A great bunch of men and women!
Friday was a day of being in the right place at the right time. Although I didn't feel worth a hoot, I still went to work and taught my CPR class to co-workers. As it was my 1/2 day and the class went 4 hours, I got to cut out of there at noon. Rock on!
Here is where it gets a little freaky.
Co-inkydink #1 - I filled my tank with gas and figured that I would stop in at the new tanning salon and say "hi" and congratulations to Tara. When I walked in, she said "I'm so glad you stopped, I have a few questions to ask you." She proceeded to ask me if I would be willing to do some yoga at her salon as part of her "wellness promotion" to her patrons. Well, Duh! Of course! I'm always looking for a way to get my name out there and to promote the health benefits of yoga. We exchanged cards and will be working something out soon, I hope. I was put there for a reason, I guess...
Co-inkydink #2 - I had some bloodwork that needed to be drawn at the clinic. So, as I'm registering I hear "Sherry Bo-Berry." I turned around and saw a really good friend of mine. It turns out she wasn't feeling so well and had come in for some tests also. She's battled a major illness in the past (and won)and was quite distressed at the thought that it may be returning. I gave her a hug, wiped away her tears, and told her that it would be alright. Human nature is to fear the worst, but it generally turns out to be something simple. As she went in for her tests, I told her to call me when she was finished and I'd be there if she needed anything. The good Lord put me in her path for a reason - I was there to help comfort her fears. (PS: I was right, it was something that antibiotics could clear up).
Co-inkydink #3 - I needed some things from Wallyworld so drove up on the other side of town and low and behold who do I run in to? Yep! My main man, Blaine! Well, not only did I run in to him, I was promptly told that I could give him a ride home because (as he so delicately put it) "Mom said I had to find my own way home (she was at a funeral) and I don't want to pay $2.50 for the bus." The good Lord knew Blaine didn't have the $2.50 for the bus and put me in Blaine's path so that I could help him out. Cool, huh?
Those types of things have been happening more and more to me recently and I just have to smile.
Today was a fun filled day in town. I went to a charity luncheon with my sister, picked my mother-in-law up for some flood touring (hey! the big thing in town is to see the water almost to the top of the "glory hole"), then home. I'm gonna take some OTC medication and see if I can't kick this. I'm supposed to go help my brother again tomorrow. It is going to be a long day if I feel like this.